

Responses from mapman

amarra or pure music..?
What is it about these programs that make them sound different I wonder?Are they doing some kind of digital signal processing to produce a certain sound?I would expect any software programs used to play digital audio to just pass the bits by defau... 
Who make the pretiest cables, cords out there?
My wife thinks the prettiest wires are the ones that she cannot see. 
Synth/Electronic LP recommendations
"Electronic Realizations for Rock Orchestra" by Synergy (Larry Fast) is a classic from the 70's if you can find it.[url=http://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Realizations-Rock-Orchestra-Synergy/dp/B00000612K]Synergy[/url] 
Power Cord with great tone
Pani, I agree the power cord can have an impact but realize that the tone is inherent in the device (better) powered and will vary from device to device accordingly.The cord itself has no inherent tone. The tone is a function of teh device powered... 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
"All of the line source speakers I have heard in my life sounded better and played with less distortion to my ears than any point source speaker. Line sources are better but they are much more expensive. The best usually is.'Agree, expensive line ... 
What is “warmth” and how do you get it?
Many feel some speakers are "warmer" sounding than others.I have always tended to attribute this to tonality, ie the relative balance of frequencies with warmer speakers tending to have less emphasis on treble or higher frequencies relative to mid... 
loudness wars: digital recording to improve?
Unsound,Most likely the results of applying corrective algorithms should be better, but not likely as effective as fixing this data quality issue at the source.Audiophiles tend to care about these kinds of details more than most which is why I am ... 
loudness wars: digital recording to improve?
Another good point is that the recording industry has allowed its legal distractions to take their eye off the target in regards to quality product in many cases.I suppose that their argument is that there is not much money to be made in making hi... 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
"The so called 'point source' is an attempt to construct amicrophon in the 'reverse': as a sound source. The only onethat works or that I know of is the Manger midd/high speaker. The Kef and the TAD are actualy a compromise."The CLS Walsh type dri... 
loudness wars: digital recording to improve?
If the recording is botched and dynamic peaks compressed or clipped in the recording, no algorithm will fix it properly.Algorithms can change what is there but not put back information that is lost in the first place, a least not with complete acc... 
Most Challenging CD
"the softest sheen on a voice"This is somewhat about transient response as well.Transients are present in many flavors and to various degrees at many frequencies throughout all recordings, to some extent. A lot of modern high end systems do a dece... 
Most Challenging CD
"Ein Straussfest" on Telarc has the most challenging dynamics I can think of in my collection. Extreme dynamics and transients are the thing that will do in most recording and playback systems the easiest, I believe.These characterize the recorded... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
How about Justin Hayward in The Moody Blues "Story in Your Eyes". 
I Was at a Funeral of An Audiophile...
Discussing audio and audiophiles in the context of funerals and death certainly helps put things in perspective.What else is there to say? 
moody blues vs rock hall of fame
Fjn,I believe the Moodies have toured the world and US almost every year, year round now since at least the early 90's, if not before. Interms of sheer #s of live performances of their classic material they have delivered, they eclipse even The Ro...