

Responses from mapman

Review: MHDT Paradisea+ MHDT Paradisea+ DA converter
I agree the stock Paradisea sound is quite relaxed, by SS standards.I have the stock GE tube and a NOS Tung Sol tube. The Tung Sol helps, but dynamics and bass extension is still a touch behind the SS Constantine that I like best currently in my m... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"Whitney lip synched, but it was still the best anthem performance of all time."I'll accept lip synching for the anthem if needed to assure a sterling performance.Otherwise, let people who are supposed to be singers just give it their usually best... 
I Was at a Funeral of An Audiophile...
They can just say I liked music at my funeral. Technology too I suppose, since I make a living doing that.In the immortal words of the legendary Forrest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that." 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"close you could hear autotune being turned on while they were talking"It's no secret that a lot of modern pop music uses this technology.So what if the act is electronically enhanced? That's progress.It beats lip-synching and pretending to sing c... 
A tale of WAF
My wife objects to wires showing in her nice rooms but never really to any of my gear itself.And yes, she has a closet full of shoes. I call her "Imelda" when on that topic. 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
I was disappointed with CA's national anthem.BEPs performance was about what I expected, at least when the mikes were working.As one local reviewer pointed out, at least BEPs actually attempted to perform their stuff in that environment rather tha... 
Oh how I wish Class D amps ...
Atmas,Thanks for that clarification on tube amps.Class D amps are not tube amps though so I am not sure why Spectron groups tube and other Class D amps together in any technical discussion other than to assert that their products are superior to b... 
Oh how I wish Class D amps ...
Dob,Gotta disagree."In reality this deviation acts as both an annoyance and murky veil. In exchange for euphonic, overly rich harmonic texture (of absolutely artificial origin) the listener gets no transparency and a lower level of true detail"I h... 
Oh how I wish Class D amps ...
Listening to my Bel Canto ref1000m Icepower monoblocs, I have no idea what that comment on the Spectron website quoted above is talking about or what the basis for the negative description of the sound of other Class D amps is based on.Must have b... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"The best measure of success is longevity."No doubt.But can't apply that criteria to current acts quite yet without a crystal ball of some kind.We'll see....I used to think AC/DC sucked. I changed my mind years later. 
? Tube Replacement Question ?
Kit,If it still sounds good to you other than the hiss in teh one channel, try rearranging the tubes in the sp16 in different orders first before replacing.SP 16 uses 6 tubes. Tubes age at different rates. Location of the tubes in the sp16 slots h... 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
"If the CD/DVD ROM can read bit perfect data, why should it matter if I use it as a transport?"Because that's a much bigger if reading real time from an optical drive in general than with files stored on a computer hard drive. 
Totem... Bass?
Totems have good clean bass in surprising quantities for their size I believe, but at least some of their models are smaller than many at similar price points and that is a handicap in comparison to the best speakers out there in regards to a fulf... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"Only if you measure success by tickets and/or records sold."That's a good measure of success I would say.I am usually able to find something to like about pop music acts that either were at one time or are currently popular, at least if the popul... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
Reading my last post back did I mention the BEP in the same line even as those others?Oh well, it is what it is.The BEPs have racked up a lot of success of late. The book is still open. We'll see......