
Responses from mahlman

You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
Working with a Faital HF146R on a machined Baltic Birch horn with a 6" depth, 1.4" throat and a 7" x 14" mouth. The detail is stunning and I doubt this driver will ever make it to commercial gear. The machined horn will never be massed produced ei... 
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
  "But dont forget that poetry originate with the cristallized metaphor of each words in the gesturing expressing body and not only from the mouth... Poetry is ORAL experience FIRST, written poetry is a derivation..." YES YES and I am feeling a... 
Electrolytic capacitor replacement
On Klipsch Choprus speakers there is a little dinky 68uf electrolytic which does not last as long nor sound as good as an Audyn 68uf poly cap. Of course the size is 20 times larger at least.   I take the old electrolytic off and reuse the holes i... 
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
You bet and throw any rock you can pick up and heave.  
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
People who advocate for censorship generally do not want to have to debate their own positions. They want to have the only microphone and self appointed valid position and do not care to be bothered by differing thoughts or having to defend or pro... 
Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned
"Meaning.. threads where people discuss tweaks, or mods or cables and so on, if a naysayer posts there, and interrupts the discussion, in any way, they get their posts deleted. And...if the given naysayer can’t hold their tongue, after said deleti... 
Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned
Sadly I have come to the conclusion that many buy based on things other than logic, knowledge and listening beforehand. I used to comment far more about silliness in audio but decided that if someone wants to throw money around and it makes them h... 
Horn speakers are really bright?
I think an all horn system set up right is impossible to beat. In cases like the Cornwall 1,2 and 3 the tweeter IS harsh and needs to be replaced with something like the LMAHLs or SMAHLs. Same for KLF series. There is also another possibility with... 
Review: Townshend Audio Speaker Podiums
If your cabinets were built out of 25MM Baltic Birch you would not need all this audio fantasy junk. You guys crack me up with your audio wisdom that somehow always gets back to $$$. Now just how is that hmm? Geoff may be gone but other strive to ... 
Problem Solvers Needed-Got my New XOs installed and am worried....
Two categories of audio "improvement" have 95% of all the total audio misrepresentation attached to them. Wires and capacitors. I mainly fiddle with older Klipsch and new speakers I build for myself and have found a couple of things to be true in ... 
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.
In sell my stuff threads like this I never see what I think is the most amazing single device for sound quality which is a Xilica XP 4080 or equivalent. To take control of all the variables and bring your components up to the highest level they ar... 
HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.
You are at the right place for uninformed expensive purchases. When the first batch of gear proves less than stellar get drunk again and maybe the second time will work. Or the tenth or fortieth. May I recommend you also drink the right labels and... 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
@kozka  " there is so much one can discuss re audio....acoustics, mastering of recordings, preamps etc....but those cables seem like a stubborn floater that wont sink " AMEN to that. Stubborn floater LOL! Active crossovers, DSP, real time room ... 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
@ghdprentice " Sorry but this is not a valuable source. This is simply a review of a bunch of cheap cables with reference to a couple of electrical characteristics. Of no value to someone serious about high quality sound reproduction. " This is pr... 
Best Sounding Speaker Cables?
" Erastof, if you are interested in an objective or more science-based approach to this question, check this out: The Best Speaker Cable | Reviews by Wirecutter ( "  THIS is exactly right. Monoprice 12g by the 100' spool is all I hav...