Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned

How many times has this scenario played out here? Someone purchases product X, and tries it in their system. They report positive results, that it works as advertised, that they got their money’s worth, that they are happy with the purchase. Then someone, usually having zero experience with the product, replies with something like: “No, you’ve got it all wrong! You’re being ripped off! You’re being conned!

Does anyone else understand how ridiculous and absurd these kinds of assertions are?! The consumer who actually put up their own money and took the time to evaluate the product in their own home/system reports it works as advertised, they are happy with it, that they got their money’s worth. Then someone else claims they were ripped off?!

Imagine an agency investigating consumer fraud getting a complaint like this: “My neighbor is being ripped off!” “No, no, he thinks it’s great, does everything he expected it to. He’s very happy with it, but I just know he’s being conned!” Do you seriously think they’re going to open any kind of investigation into it?

You can disagree with what someone says about the effectiveness of a product all you want, but to say they have been defrauded, when they report the exact opposite, is patently ridiculous.

Post removed 

Sadly I have come to the conclusion that many buy based on things other than logic, knowledge and listening beforehand. I used to comment far more about silliness in audio but decided that if someone wants to throw money around and it makes them happy, by all means do so. All have opinions and some have informed opinions and I will leave it to the reader as to where he stands if it even matters.

  I am amused at the prices charged on many things and I tip my hat to those who have effective sheep shears.

The thought process that one must try all products in order to form an opinion is ridiculous. An impossible condition. To dispute puffery in a court of law insures failure. To dispute it on a forum, well, as one put it so succinctly, a free sandbox. So get over it. 

One more thing, if your English is not so good please post in your original language and let us translate. I am almost thinking some of these posters are trolls. 

The mistake that they made was post it here. 


Just keep your happiness to yourself.