
Responses from magnumpi205

Fluctuations of the loudness of speakers???
Most likely a bad tube but could be a bad solder joint on the output stage. 
Best Micro Speaker?
Monitor Audio 90 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Diet Coke 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
Large Infinities from the 70sEsp Concert GrandeSymposiumsHarbeth 40.1Magnepan 20.1Spendor LS/35aQuad 2905Klipsch KhornerhornSpendor SP100RReference 3A Grande Veena 
My Best Shipping Experience
My best shipping experience was a trip on the Lurline to Hawaii with my Grandmother. I was 13 and she had no one else to go with so I went shipping with her.Came back in one piece and had a great suntan to show for it. 
iPod docking station - Belkin vs Wadia vs Arcam
Wadia ITransport to DAC of choice by digital cable. DAC to RCA cables to preamp, amp or receiver giving you digital audio conversion.Using the Wadia lets you send a perfect digital bitstream to the DAC of choice, pricerange, etc. 
Harbeth - Audio Research?
Have tried Harbeth with Cary,McIntosh and Bruce Moore with great results.If you are into heavier rock, you may prefer the M30 over the 5s and 7s. You won't be disappointed with any of these speakers, truly musical.Heard the 40.1 at RMAF and felt i... 
Best of the 80's &90's Amps & Preamps
Check out MFA gear. The best of the best. Meticulous build quality and the sound to match. 
Call Sony, they will repair for a flat fee.Have mine hooked to a DAC by PS audio. It sounds great and makes changing CDs a breeze as you already know. Downside it only as a toslink output. 
First SACD to Listen To?
BST- Blood Sweat & Tears 
What equipment do you most regret parting with??
Marantz 7c, pair of MAC 240s and Chartwell LS3/5as 
WOW factor
TubesCapsHexfredscopper inputscopper postsVishaycablesStepped attenuator 
Top 5 recievers of the 70's and 80's ????
Harman Kardon 960Pioneer 727Advent 300McIntosh 1900Harmon Kardon 930 
WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor
WAF is urban legion. Tolerence is a far better term. 
Esoteric SA-60 or Arcam 139 for 2CH Hi Rez Audio o
Many of the rooms at the RMAF 2007 used Esoteric sources to promote their products. I think that gives an easy answer to the question.