Responses from magfan
New NAD 326 BEE Owner -Disappointed Help sobeit.I've heard some claim that the B&W line can be difficult to drive. The 600s? I've never seen actual measured data, though if it exists, Stereophile has it.The other issue is NAD / B&W which doesn't do much for me.....that is a matte... | |
Budding Audiophile Seeks Speaker Guidance Another vote for 2 channel ....or maybe 2.1In this case, 'less is more'. | |
New NAD 326 BEE Owner -Disappointed Help B&W / NAD matchup? I'm not sure about this.......and, the B&W speakers are generally a more ...... difficult load meaning you need a better amp, or at least one better into the 602s load. If you like the midfi approach, B&W with Rotel ... | |
Scott amp update/speaker question Unless you want to replace the Yamaha speakers, I wouldn't worry too much.Efficiency and sensitivity are 2 different things and I'm not up to speed on the technical differences. The number you want is sensitivity, though. Efficiency would be expre... | |
Scott amp update/speaker question It's probably NOT the 'efficiency'. Or any sensitive speaker would do.Rather, it is the phase / frequency relationship which defines the 'goodness' of load. high phase angles will suck an amp dry or reveal an amp which is just good into resistive ... | |
How to isolate a refrigerator? We had a gas fridge on our boat a long time ago. It ran on bottled alcohol and needed a flame. I house unit could probably be plugged in for the heat source.Our boat unit? give it 24 hours untouched and it'd freeze stuff solid. I didn't appear to ... | |
How to isolate a refrigerator? my <1year old fridge is LOTS quieter than the 20 year old GE it replaced...and has cut my electric bill by about 50kwh per month while being about 10% more capacity. IF your current fridge is more than about 10 years old, and IF the sound deade... | |
BABY ADVENT II If these are 4ohm nominal speakers, and you want to 'stack' pairs......I'd wire 'em in SERIES. + to + of speaker 'A'. -to- of speaker 'B'. Jumper from -of 'A' to + of 'B'. You could always face them in opposite directions and wire them out of phas... | |
What is the best compressed iTunes format? With an ALAC file...(Apple Lossless), you can reconstruct a bit-accurate copy of the original file. Than the conversation turns to the speed / accuracy of the reconstructing computer. The quoted bitrate (above) would seem pretty spot on. Very comp... | |
Best solid state amp for B&W 801 Matrix Series 2 If this is the right 801, it is not an 'easy' load, rather an amp eater.No tubes would probably work well, at least electrically.Good sensitivity helps some, but look at the phase data: | |
Cat-proofing your speakers... Yeah, Chad, I've had this chat with other cat-people. They all 'mystify' these poor beasts and impart great powers to what is essentially a dumb animal. In one test, dogs will recognize themselves in a mirror, but cats? Forgetit! Don't forget, I'v... | |
Cat-proofing your speakers... Sorry, Chad, but even though I'm a cat lover, I must admit that dogs are technically smarter. It is very unusual for a cat to obey any verbal command. I had a pair of exceptions, too. My wife would go out and yell at 'em in SPANISH and they'd come... | |
Should I use 2 different Power Conditioners? My powerconditioner has an isolation transforrmer included. Into it I plug all low current and digital stuff. The TV goes into a hi-current outlet while the amp and sub have there own circuit with a PSAudio Soloist outlet. The conditioner has much... | |
bel canto and wyred 4 sound Would you or anyone consider such changes making the ASP moduled amps an Apples / Oranges proposition or maybe like a Fuji /Gala? (I'm a BIG fan of Apples!)Changing (upgrade?) some caps? The only thing that would have a major effect, IMO, would be... | |
bel canto and wyred 4 sound The ASP module includes powersupply. So, they are pretty much plug /play.The ASC module is meant to be powered from an ASP module OR from a stand-alone PS. At that point you can buy a transformer and a capacitor bank, or go SMPS.The output section... |