
Responses from macdadtexas

Killing BluRay, new Oppo BR 83
I had a Denon 5910, which I had modded, and the video on the Oppo is in another catagory, and although the Oppo sounds excellent, the Denon (going from memory here) was in another league for audio, even un-modded. But come on, the Denon weighs the... 
Killing BluRay, new Oppo BR 83
I paid $499 for being one of the people asking for information prior to wide release. I think it's going to be $599 (or so they say) to start. 
I'm beginning to wonder...
Sadly, I consistantly have errors in my posts. Not only do I live in the USA, but my father was a high school English teacher who would berate us for any and all grammatical errors in both written and spoken English; so I have no excuse.In fact, I... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
OK, Wrtickle's post it the best in the this thread. Classic. 
music server virgin needs answers
I love my AppleTV, with the right DAC it's pretty hard to beat the convenience/sound combination. 
an equipment poll
Dudes, just put some numbers up and then let's argue about that, jeeezzzz 
How to order Wally Tools...
I am a very nice person, and I talked several times to Wally, and it still took him 12weeks to get an item he said he had in stock. But then he never called me back to help me out when I had a question.Elizabeth, you seem to have issues so repeat ... 
How to order Wally Tools...
That said, I am waiting now for my MintLP protractor, which I was told would be a 5 week wait. Better, but not great. 
How to order Wally Tools...
he is not a crook, he will get you your items eventually, but it takes a long, long time, and if you have questions getting him to answer them takes a long, long, long time.But they do work well. I think it is a side business of his, just a hobby,... 
an equipment poll
a few additions:Quad - 9Sony - 5James Audio - 7Pro-ject - 7Marantz - 5Musical Fidelity - 5Linn - 10Revel - 8I'm bored too... 
an equipment poll
Cary Audio - 9NAD - 4B & K - 2Anthem - 5AudioRes - 10Denon - 6Parasound - 7Innersound - 9 (Sanders Sound)Gallo - 6Def Techno - 8SVS Sound - 6Magnepan - 10Velodyne - 7Sunfire - 6JL Audio - 8RBH - 5McIntosh - 6Clearaudio - 8VPI - 9Kimber - 9ZuAu... 
What matters most in speaker design?
No enclosure is best, I agree with Muralman1. That means planars, or certain special designs such as those buy MBL. Soundlab, Sanders Sound, Quad EletroStats, Analysis Audio, Magnepan, Emminent Tech, Soundlab, GalloAcoustics, lots of cool choices.... 
budget DACs
I loved the MHDT Havana that I had. The Pardisea is supposed to be just about as good in your price range. 
High power handling speakers
so you want high SPL's not necesarrily high power handling, correct?In that Case the JBL's mentioned above are great, so are Klipschhorns, Klipsch Belles, and I would also highly recommend Definitive Technology Super Towers BP7000 SC's. Great spea... 
US only sales WHY???
I almost brought an item with me to France to avoid shipping/tarrif issues, but when the counterparty checked into what customs would like at DeGaul airport we decided to cancel the deal. The guy did take my wife and I out to dinner in Paris thoug...