

Responses from m669326

How does my MF A308 compare to modern integrated amps in the $3000-$6000 range?
Thanks for the DAC recommendations. That’s a real frontier realm for me.I do generally like clear, sharp, revealing, detailed sound. I’m not sure why. It could be because I haven’t had the opportunity to hear the alternatives much. All the really ... 
How does my MF A308 compare to modern integrated amps in the $3000-$6000 range?
Thanks, everyone. Erik: what speakers do you have? I feel that my MF is a good match with my ATC’s. Obviously, there is a synergy here, let alone all the other factors that others have mentioned. I’m sure it’s true that I need a better DAC, and ot... 
How does my MF A308 compare to modern integrated amps in the $3000-$6000 range?
Thanks. I’m happy with the sq, but I have no frame of reference regarding other options. 
New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this?
I have found the information and help many folks here offer extremely valuable, especially in terms of my decision-making before spending big bucks.On the other hand, I am strongly repelled by those who are unkind, rude, denigrating, or aggressive... 
Anyone know how to determine bitrate/res on Stereophonic?
Sorry, everyone.I think I'll take a break from starting threads for a while. 
Anyone know how to determine bitrate/res on Stereophonic?
I apologize. I’m still recovering from some of the replies to an earlier post.stereophonic is a classical hi-res streaming site. 
Anyone know how to determine bitrate/res on Stereophonic?
When I wonder something, whether it's the bitrate of a song or if there's a way to know such a thing from a given streamer, sometimes I ask folks who might know. That's just the way my mind works. It's like a minor mystery getting solved.If you we... 
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?
OK. I’m done. Thanks everyone for your responses. 
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?
I’ll address some concerns that people have brought up.I mentioned warm or colored to differentiate that they were two different things.Personally, I was not concerned as to whether the musicians themselves would feel disrespected. Third, if the t... 
New KEF Reference 5 speakers
Thanks, Greenman. I listen in an unusual room that may make my generalizations invalid. And I haven't heard a recent KEF Reference. But the ones I had were certainly more polite than my ATCs -- less detailed and in your face, for sure. As my Irish... 
Your thoughts about ATC loudspeakers
I have the same speakers as the last poster, and I agree that I can't hear anything problematic. I've read that there is a roll-off, but  that it's not detectable. 
New KEF Reference 5 speakers
For what it's worth, I switched from an older KEF reference to an equivalent ATC, and I was much happier. They're along the same lines in terms of sound signature, but the ATCs just did everything better.In your shoes, I probably would hang on to ... 
Soundsource: does this app degrade the source?
Well, yeah. 
Need a power amp for a pair of ATC SCM 11's
Yes, it's a pitfall to get whatever happens to be the best/most appropriate piece of gear that's currently available out of impatience, but you're starting a years-long relationship with your system. It would be like marrying the kinda right perso... 
Need a power amp for a pair of ATC SCM 11's
If you can find a Musical Fidelity A308, you'll have a great match with money left over. Mine drives ATC SCM 40 v2s. 150 watts and other good power specs -- more than enough for your speakers. (If I go up to eleven o'clock, my ears hurt.) Similar ...