
Responses from lrsky

Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
OK,Maybe this whole concept of blu-ray has taken the debate into liscencing, and hardware dead ends. My questions are of a more fundamental nature.1) Would employing a Blue Laser as opposed to a red one, which is to say, a laser which offers a sho... 
Best Nancy Wilson CDs
Her very first album, Nancy Wilson and Cannonball Adderley is fantastic. First recorded in 1962, it is still a wonderfully well recorded album. Every other cut is an instrumental, with Cannonball, his brother Nat, and later of Weather Report, on p... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
OK, hmmm the legend of the highly revered Mick, lives on. And, even in light of people who have been cheated by him, they, not Mick become the bad guys. What did Maril555 do, other than get cheated, then point it out? This is pretty remarkable, th... 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
The question was (is) are they BETTER at audio playback, better resolution in the audio domain, as they read more data because of a shorter wavelength of light?It only seems logical, and maybe someone on this site can set me straight, that if it's... 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
Kr4,Yea the processing is the same, but the claim to fame is that the blu lazer reads more data, therefore the information going into the processor would be greater,no? 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
Kenny,I've been out of the digital loop, so you'll have to excuse my ignorance here. Of course the blu will play regular cds, but are there to be separate blu ray 'cd's? Music only cd's that are only encoded for blu ray? I know that most of us her... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
So, now, here we are a bit later, and some folks (at least one, maybe more) are stating that Mick is gone, and they are owed money. Isn't this the nature of the questions I asked along the way...."If it takes a year to get one, what about service?... 
DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization
Lauritsvd,In what country do you live? There are other options than to send it to the USA. LSA has a European Master Distributor, if you live in the European community, for example.Larry R. Staples 
What should be under my speakers?
Do you have any options as to the positioning of the speakers, with regard to how they 'load' into the room, i.e. short wall, long wall.By placing the speakers so that they a firing in the same direction as the floor studs, (assuming it's not on a... 
Where to buy a Roksan Kandy Integrated in the US?
In case you don't have it yet, here's a contact for Roksan.They're a UK company, but surely they have US contact was from a review done in 2001, but may still work.One thing to consider if you're buying new, or ... 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 with Merlin super bam
Try emailing Bobbyp...that's his screen name. 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 with Merlin super bam
Bobby Palkovic, Merlin founder, is a frequent poster on Audiogon--he may be able to get to the source of your problem. Hopefully he'll see this post and answer before I locate his posting name. 
Audiophiles get NO respect
Real audiophile men put a coax cable on the door knob, if 'otherwise engaged' in their dorm rooms, instead of a non audiophile putting a scarf or necktie... 
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead
tvad, Quibble:Dealers are all or mostly introverts...Proof, or supporting information, none.Dealers, because they are introverts, are intractable...Proof, none, and no supporting thoughts.Both of these statements one supposedly supporting the othe... 
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead
Whoa, tvad...what does introversion have to do with 'intractability'? What does it have to do with success or lack thereof in selling, or dealing with customers? I have administered the meyer briggs temperament sorter to hundreds of sales people, ...