
Responses from lrsky

Best Nancy Wilson CDs
Ella...IMHO, in a different category--both great singers, but Ella had something I can't quite put my finger on. She had that amazing voice, sort of indescribable like Nat Cole. They set the bar! 
Tubes for Audio Research SP16L
Call Dave Gordon at AR, he's VERY knowledgeable and helpful--moreover a GREAT guy! 
Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?
Schipo wrote, 2-16-09 "...Linn's unfair marketing advantage in the UK, by not allowing their table to be compared with other's..."Just wondering how they are able to do this? How can they keep ANYONE from making comparisons? I must not understand ... 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
Who here other than me doesn't get the same level of soundsaging from horns that other speakers give?I've owned the Sound Labs, obviously a 'stat speaker--they offer remarkable soundstaging--so I'm not 'tied to' dynamics. But, I've never heard a h... 
Circuit City is Closing, Liquidating
Again, and yet another epitaph..."We don' need no stinkin' salespeople..."CC ManagementWonder where they'll look for jobs? 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
Tvad,"...and keep you guessing..." Pretty funny, though, if anyone got it, no one responded. 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
IMHO, it speaks volumes about the respondants, not the question. 
You're probably listening too loud
Good for you Vegasears!That lets you know exactly where you are beginning, and more importantly, ending in your volume settings. 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
Grant,So do I--and ironically, some are the oldest among the recordings. Nancy Wilson, circa 1962, her comming out album with Cannonball, is terrific. (This is right before some engineers discovered all those wonderful 'knobs' on the control panel... 
You're probably listening too loud
I was told by an audioligist some time ago, that NASA commissioned a study to find out why the astronauts had a difficult time hearing command even though their headsets were at a very high level. THAT was the problem.Someone, apparently not an au... 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
Rightoo Tvad.Since the soft ware for our primary listening, (Winston Ma's are in short supply unfortunately)are redbook with limited other's in various states of supply I want to know, is there a new 'game' out there that allows us to extract 'mor... 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
I can't take exception with MBL as a principal contender--they're magnificent!!Even in show environments, from Denver to Munich, to Vegas, they always sound remarkable to me. Open, spatial, tonally right, dynamic. The only issue some have with the... 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
Redbook may have been around, but because of improvements in digital reproduction, the sound we get from those discs has changed rather dramatically over the past 5 years. Someone else who is more digitally savvy than me could address it more clea... 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
True Tvad, but if we're to be realistic, everything digital is obsolete in, well, less than 5 years. Though, of late, the improvements seem to be slowing and more incremental. Think of when, other than blu-ray, we had a so called revolutionary cha... 
Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?
Consensus, too strong. Has anyone compared blu-ray to a regular player in terms of overall sound quality? Are there differences? Again, any word on a high end audio company making an audiophile version?