
Responses from lrsky

How Do You Pronounce Thiel?
Isochronism...Thanks...been busy...I just posted (in November) a book that I wrote...on Amazon/Kindle. Trying to sell some copies...hey, I'm a capitalist, lol.As to, IS indeed Teel, or Teal, silent h.Speaking of which..there's not a day... 
Speaker suggestions at around $30k
The Sound Labs...have all the attributes you asked for in terms of performance--and they happen to be one of the best speakers ever.Recent technological breakthroughs have made for excellent reliability as well as efficiency thought impossible jus... 
From Thiel CS6 to Wilson Sophia 2 or 3
Interesting point, counter point.The 'skin a cat' argument was good.Ultimately, Rockitman said it with one with your ears, not your brain.I think (being a THIEL devotee for many years) that there's an intellectual affirmation with ... 
Searching for new speakers: Wilson, B&W, ??
Mr_m,We can all agree to disagree when it comes to loudspeakers...thanks for reading with a neutral eye.I suppose, I've always 'liked' the British sound, but don't hear it, per se, in the B&W's, in the same way as the older Brit products...Spe... 
Searching for new speakers: Wilson, B&W, ??
Mr_m,Why do I think this is a trap...hmmm.OK, and these are my ears only--except for comments mentioned later.But, after the ML's which are VERY nice and neutral sounding through the, lightning fast...with very low coloration...the... 
Searching for new speakers: Wilson, B&W, ??
Apples and oranges, or in this case, B&W's and Wilsons.They are very different...VERY.The Wilson is clearly a better loudspeaker, much more neutral...less fatiguing...fewer colorations.I'm thinking that you HAVE what you describe that you're w... 
Musical, Warm and Smooth bookshelfs under 500
IMHO, the Silverlines are on a totally different level than the others mentioned here.I'd at least look in to them.Good listening,Larry 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Back to this 'old thread'.I recently saw the movie, 'Hereafter', directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Matt Damon...I LOVED this movie, and the main theme, played thoughout, written by Eastwood, is a treasure. He has orchestra playing it, classical... 
Do Thiel Audio CS3.7 Rock?
Said before, but worth repeating.Jim Thiel told me, back in 1988, during the development of the CS5, that a technique that he and his brother Tom Thiel had realized, was that by dropping the impedence of the bass driver(s)...the amp would be compe... 
Will Quantum Computing Bridge the analog gap?
Stanwal,This is a terrific answer...very well constructed, intelligent and only issue would be the 'which Einstein and Bohr agreed was totally absurd.'Time and time again, today's theory is tomorrow's reality, and that reality is e... 
Will Quantum Computing Bridge the analog gap?
Daverz,Not sure I understand?Before when I posed the Quantum, I was brought back to the 'size of the file' thoughts that kept coming up. To my limited brain...the whole nature of this is...given 'superposition' in which the binary code is no longe... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
"To Make Me Feel Your Love"...sung by many, in my opinion, owned by Trish Yearwood.This song is really beautiful...AND I would never have laid it at the feet of Bob Dylan who wrote it...surprise.Good listening,Larry 
Wyred STP-SE : Break In Times
What was it that they said in the Stephen King movie...SSDD?Same Sh*t Different Day.I remember Wc65 Mustang and some of the inflamatory posts.I've had good days, and bad days on Audiogon...even had too much wine and made a fool of myself...but I'v... 
Macintosh mc2301 vs VAC Phi 300.1.a
VAC...for MY taste...others may prefer the MAC...I love the fluid, yet still crystal clear sound of the VAC...then there's the 'musicality'...that one indefinable quality that some gear posses--which the VAC has in SPADES.Good listening,Larry 
How sensitive is the B&W Nautilus Midrange?
WHAT???Good listening,Larry