
Responses from lrsky

How do reference speakers rank to today's standard
Not agreeing with the basic premise here, that speakers don't sound as they did when they were 'newer'.Our perceptions change, but barring damage or deteriorating surrounds (again damage), they should measure and sound the same.Good listening,Larry 
Gryphon vs. McIntosh
My only issue EVER with Gryphon was their ethnocentric view of Americans and the consuming American public.These views were by and large, so it seems second hand information (inasmuch as I could glean from conversations with personnel including Ra... 
Need help with amp
Can you restate your question...I'm not sure I can understand this...Larry 
Gryphon vs. McIntosh
'Dark'...would generally mean, 'lacking air' and a sense of unlimited upper bandwidth...not so, with regard to any description that I would apply to Gryphon.When I hear live, nobody else, as my experience is unique to me...I am not awar... 
i am looking to replace my Krell with tube amps,
VTL...nice...but for my money, the most this sense, not pejorative, but the ultimate compliment...Valve Amplification Amps (VAC by Kevin Hayes) voicing, for my taste...warm, rich, inviting...beautiful staging, low level resolut... 
Oppo options
I read elsewhere that Exemplar is out of this just a rumor?Larry 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
I'm not aware that it would matter what type of speaker.My understanding is that the device restores 'lost' phase information...restores it.In that regard, the answer to the increased gain, may be answered.More data, would equal more volume..more ... 
Gryphon vs. McIntosh
Having been completely familiar with both products, I first thought the Post was kidding in asking for a comparison...mainly because there is NO comparison.MAC is good gear, and some swear by it...I understand this...appreciate that certain 'sound... 
Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
To all, This will be lengthy, so I'll apologize going in.Waaaayyyy, back in the day, when I first became a Maggie dealer, 1984, so 27/8 years ago...I talked to the folks AT MAGGIE, about their basic design theology...their attempt of bringing real... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Hifigeek,Sorry to disagree...but...Usually, less is more...but what if, big if here...that some thing, adds back, (restores) lost phase information, making for a more complete signal, one that looks more like the original?My basic theology is YOUR... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Face,Is it the 'gain' or the dynamic range that is changed?Two very different items...Larry 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Yeah, but whadda YOU know about Merlins, Bob?Larry 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Your point Roscoeiii, is well taken by me.Opinions without having experience has NO value.I saw the Qol system a year ago...tried to engage them, as their basic principle of phase information restoration makes perfect engineering sense to me...The... 
How Do You Pronounce Thiel?
AND,Hifihvn, Actually, luckily for me, I've found several...but not the right one. Thought I had...but no.Women are more frustrating than HI FI, if you can believe or understand that one.Larry 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I'm sitting here in my loft, listening to some prototype speakers that I designed...bookshelfs...but that's not what this post is about.What started out to be evaluation, has ended with me, with tears in my to the beauty of the music I'm...