

Responses from lowrider57

Your best 2-channel system for 6000$ total
My PSB Synch's were also bright and forward. Spkr cable selection can integrate these speakers into the system. Also room treatments are very important. Much cheaper than buying new speakers. 
Your best 2-channel system for 6000$ total
I agree with Tpreaves. First try a better CDP and definitely keep the Parasound. 
Cables in question
Do your research, but a great cable is Canare 4S11...neutral sounding, tight bass, wide soundstage all at a low price. It's considered a "budget" cable but performs very well. Also look at Bluejeans Cable...another great performer at a low cost. I... 
Cables in question
Look thru the archives for speaker cable info. You'll see all the debates about which cable is best. The answer to your question is yes, but you didn't mention what cables you are currently using. But you need to research what cable will be best f... 
Cleaning the equipment
thanks for the replies. Elizabeth, your method sounds perfect for my needs, especially the paint brush idea. 
Cleaning the equipment
may I ask the best way to clean out dust? In my case the amp is on the floor on risers. Always a layer of dust on the top every couple of days. 
Sunfire Signature... what is this?
I own a Sunfire 300 and use both speaker outputs; VOLTAGE (traditional SS sound) to the woofers and CURRENT output to the tweeters. The current output is a more natural sound, for example, horns sound more realistic, less bright....but that's my t... 
Jolida JD100A
I used the Agon archives to research this CDP. I auditioned the Cambridge 740c and the Jolida 100a. I chose the Jolida, not as detailed but very musical and great for classical and jazz. An excellent CDP for the money, but you should roll the tube... 
CD player to compete with my vinyl rig?
Let us know what u decide. I was in the same position...looking for a CDP that would reproduce classical as close as possible to vinyl. (and with the $1000 budget). 
CD player to compete with my vinyl rig?
I'm using a Jolida 100a with NOS Amperex tubes with a rogue perseus pre (all NOS tubes). I'm now enjoying my Mahler, Bruckner, Prokofiev on cd. Strings and horns sound very natural (a close second to my vinyl). I found that a tube CDP was much mo... 
I will ask a dumb question on power conditioners
Garebear, as you can see, your question's not so dumb.There may be differences among some manufacturers using these termsBill_k says it best; power conditioner seems to be a blanket term which includes active and passive units. The active unit is ...