
Responses from loontoon

Tweeters, Scanspeak or Seas
Pretty much as Boa2 says, except the differences are pretty small, Audio lore; SS like toobs, and SEAS tend towards solid state. I prefer the SEAS over the SS. But then I like my coffee black and my beer the same color so ---- what's in your flavo... 
Looking for warmth
Get the MF toob buffer, or there is a China made knock off.It may do the trick, but oooo those Adcoms.There is a sweeeeeet VAC on here someplace, I just saw it for dirt. I thing 450!!!! That could work as well.loon 
Maggie 3.6 and Counterpoint NP-220
Then get thee a giant toob amp, I use the Manley Reference 350's on mine. Not the word Naggy'ies yup that's right Nag Nag Nag,'Your preamp could be clearer, I need more space, I need, I need, I need,I still won't own anything else.loon 
Factory Refurbished Amp
Reno Hifi???das loon 
Which Tube Phono Stage around $1k?
Nice unit used for a kilobuck or less.loon 
CD-R burnout
CDR discs and CD-RW discs I have in the car are still kicking but starting to have issues with MOST of them. Which is ok, I'll just burn another copy and throw them out. But---- For my Archieved Vinyl, I fear problems in the future. Good thing I s... 
Carts that sound like a Koetsu
Uhm a Koetsu??!!!The better Grado's give you the mid magic, and more bass.Will be interesting to see what shows up here.das loon 
Alpha-core advise?
I recall Nelson Pass commenting that the capacitance of the ribbon cables could cause some amplifiers to oscillate. I believe he was refering to his older T-hold models of which yours is one.A quick note to Nelson or Wayne at Pass Labs should give... 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
Graz has the ribbons for you.here's how to find him;http://www.apogeeribbons.com/cheers, loon 
BAT VK-3iX or ModWright SWL 9.0SE?
haven't heard the modwrignt, but I loves me 3i.loon 
NRG control 401s where can I get info? specs
Nice but rare amp, any competent audio geek should be able to trouble shoot and repair. The key is competent.loon 
How to approach seller of damaged amp
OH YEAH,Never ship FED EX or UPS Store!!!! Ever, they ain't UPS, and they Ain't Fed Ex. If their is damange and if you take the insurance, your hosed!!!! Period.loon 
cary slp-98L vs bat vk3i
Unless you have a completely over the top high end tipped up system. The 3i isn't a really tooby unit. Toob rolling only helps a little. The unit with modern stock toobs is excellent.I run gray top RCA 6v6 and Amperex 6922's in mine but it sounds ... 
Philips E88CC SQ special quality Question???
SQ are select toobs, supposed to be lower noise, blah blah blah, but I don't like most of them all that much and they command a huge premium.jeff 
VTL MB450 vs BAT75SE???
I have the Manley Reference 350's 383 watts/monoThey are made by VTL, and drive big Maggies.With no problem, and they are driven by a BAT pre so---I say if you have the scratch stay Logan and go VTL!!!das loon