
Responses from loontoon

Copper wire wrap as tube damper - heat sink?
Why not just by some tried and true coolers, they're cheap.loon 
How to purchase a Wilson Tweeters
I mean that Wilson sources his tweets from Focal. They are rumoured to be modified, but it's still a Focal T(x) 120 series. 
Cartridge choice? Ortofon or Goldring
This coming from a a man with 6 cartridges, the lowest on my list is the X5MC,Shelter 501 II, Koetsu Rosewood, Kontrapunkt B, Shure Mono, Koetsu Black.The ortofon X5 MC for the price is outstanding. So is the Kontra, I go back and forth between it... 
How to purchase a Wilson Tweeters
Look to Zalytron, Madisound, and Meniscus for the drivers, one of them carries Focals. 
new Shelter 9000
Not the 9000 but if the 501 is a benchmark, then I'd say it too is probably a decent cartridge but over rated.Not bad mind you, just not a cartridge that will compete in the over $1000 market. The Kontra B is better in most area's but ---- the com... 
Threshold T200?
Detailed, detailed, detailed,A slightly analytical touch, I've since gone to toobs so have a slight sand bias.Slam is not the forte, excuse the pun of the Threshold stuff, that's for Krell, but I can't listen to a Krell for long, where as the T-ho... 
JSE infinite slope
You'll be hard pressed to beat the JSE's, which model do you have. The JSE's were the same technology and the precursor to the Joseph Audio speakers. Joseph used better drivers but the X/O technology is the same.The dynamics are incedible on the o... 
Unequal length interconnects?
In theory you want them equal length but assuming a difference of say 10 feet, you will hear a time difference of 1/27000 of a second, not significant, however the difference in capacitance, impedance and inductance may filter the sound in the lon... 
Maggie 20.1 - Bi-Amp vs. More power
The 300 watts will better bring out the bass panels.No contest there, besides, add the 300 watt unit now and if you bi-amp you can go with a smaller amp on the mids and highs. loon 
NEED HELP about Magnepan speaker
Whom ever is comparing the 3.6 to the 1.6 is off base. The integration is pretty good. The glue ---- well I have a pair of 2.5's as surrounds and they're going just fine.loon 
Speaker Lifespan
My ultralinears in the garage are still going strong. They were purchased in 1976. I had to replace the foam on the woofers 10 years ago but that's it and they still sound pretty good.loon 
Have you tried Red Wine?
I prefer the Cabernet Mono's on my Crystal speakers, however the Merlot Integrated on the Tulips is quite piquant as well.sorry I couldn't resist.das loon 
Ping Pong Projector Beam
Uhm what part of back projection direct view are you missing. All of the back projection types, DLP LCD, etc, all project to a mirror and boune it to the screen. You can do what your asking, however focal length needs to be adhered to. Some minor ... 
who surprised and who disappointed
The Dead, as listed but for different reasons and the SOUND SYSTEM. Also RatDog, and Phil&Freinds.Paul Simon at a local ampitheater, wasn't crowed so I just moved back behind the mixing board, and wow, I never heard a PA system image before. T... 
Kinergetics Chiro 500 or Parasound Halo A52
Prices on Kinergetics is falling fast, the Halo ain't no slouch, so ---- only your ears can tell. Get the amp since it's a freind and make the decision based on your own ear based data.cheerd,loon