Responses from loontoon
The Dead Phil, Bobby, Micky, Bill, and assorted friends including Warren Haynes, Trey, oh my and you can go if you like the tickets are only 1$, oops 1 kilobuck, sorry to get you excited.I think we're seeing the the next Phil and Freinds line-up.I personal... | |
led zeppelin suggestions on vinyl Me likes II the best, the Grafitti, the the un-named aka stairway to heaven album.Me also likes a lot of Plants solo albums, jest a thought!!! | |
Biamping Maggie 20.1s: Amps and Xover Frequencies I can't emphasise enough the that amps on bass make a huge difference in sound, they control the pace. I learned this long ago when I subbed in a B&K amp for a Muse 160II during an all night session with an old freind. He's a music buff but no... | |
MG 20 R with Pass Labs XVR1 crossover settings ? So what did you do with the Bryston? Us mere mortals have to live with 3.6 Maggies and Rane's for now. Threshold subs and Manely Reference panels.loon | |
Shelter 501 mk 2/ ZYX R100H I have the 501-II, a Rosewood and a Kontra B, and drum roll, I like them all but lust for what the B gives me, but can't live with the lightweight midbass and bass, the B is tight tight tight, detailed, non-fatigued, --- but I have big Manely/VTL ... | |
What current China import sounds like a CJ?? I disagree, and haven't heard the Consanance stuff but the Cayin with China toobs sound hard shrill and bright, so if that's the opposite of CJ sound then so be it, but call it like it is, it ain't all that refined.I find good SS stuff to sound be... | |
why am I hearing electrical drain at shut off? Lift the lid and see if there is a small value like 250K resistor going to ground from the power supply caps. DO NOT TOUCH THE CAPS, it likely won't be fatal if you do, but it would be a life experience you not likely forget.loon | |
Do I need seperate circuts for Audio and TV Try and have all the dedicate lines on the same electircal leg, that helps to eliminate ground plane humm.Unless you use a lot of juice, you will have two phase legs coming into your house, depending upon the breaker set up, they will either be on... | |
First Tube Preamp Use the bypass in the MC10 preamp, and use the MC10 phono section. The MC10pro is a pretty good phono section.If you need more gain, the direction of an older CJ pre-amp is pretty much dead on. OR ----Look for a used EAR unit, Cary with phono stag... | |
1 cup of Klipsch La Scala + 1 cup of Merlin VSM = Klipsch has the dynamic capability in spades, can be brutal on the ears if set up wrong and only thrives on triode amps (in my opinion).The Merlin has it's magic but it's like maggies, a little thin and weak sounding, and your right if you could b... | |
audio aero capitole- how good vs analog? The ritual, Yeah that's right and I'm as bad as any. Vinyl still trounces the very best of digital, and that's that. But wait, the ritual, which is a genuine pain in the wazoo.Those that know vinyl know the ritual, first ya gotta scrub, then vacuu... | |
Amp recommendations for Maggie 3.6? I have Manley Reference 350's on my Maggies, and with 383 watts/channel they do just fine. I also have a Pass 350 and it's got more heft and authority, also a great amp but lacks the magic of the Manley's. So many choices, so little time, so you p... | |
How many pair of speakers do you own? 3 pair maggies for surround, big maggies front and rear2 pair SEAS EXCEL based home brew, 1 extra above for center channel1 pair Spica1 pair focal/vifa home brew for the daughter1 pair garage speakers3 different under $300 pairs of computer speake... | |
VPI ScoutMaster or Project RM10 VPI hands down, and you did say dealer??? Make the rotten SOB's give you both with draws on you CC, then choose and keep one and take the other back. That's part of why they get they're mark up.If they won't do it, I suggest either mail order at a... | |
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours Get a MFSL vinyl piece and burn it to CD.My burned copy for the car is AWESOME.loon |