
Responses from loomisjohnson

Preamp recomendation
you can find a cambridge 840 pre within your budget; nice piece and aesthetic and operating match for your cdp. parasound 2100 and arcam fmj (which i'm partial to) seem to meet your criteria. 
Opting for no CDP -- only to regret it?
i agree that being tethered to the computer and having to rip everything is something of a hassle at times. with the ascendance of computer audio and bluray, you can now get very serviceable older universal disc players--say a denon or integra--fo... 
Favourite ECM Titles
coincidentally, i just picked up a copy of bennie maupin, jewel in the lotus. incredible piece; avantgarde and accessible at the same time. i've also always like terje rypdal (what comes after being the one to which i usually default). 
2 channel sound in a blu ray player
i've had a similar experience as kotta and akg--the oppo is fantastic for video, but for redbook cds my arcam cd73 and even an older rotel rc955 sounded better to my ears. i emphasize that this is purely my own, necessarily subjective opinion and ... 
Von Schweikert VR2 or Revel Performa F50
the vr2s are a vg speaker, with a noteworthy low end, but the revels are in another league in terms of overall refinement, detail, etc. (as well they should, since they cost more than twice as much). one proviso is that the revels need a ton of po... 
It Might Get Load - documentary
good film, though jack white has always struck me as something of a fake--a smart, ambitious guy who's skillfully persuaded the media to give him laurels somewhat disproportionate to his talent. the edge registers as a nice guy who's wholly oblivi... 
speaker selection help ... on a budget
if you're committed to the uk, within your budget, i'd check out wharfedale diamond 9.2--looks and sounds like a much pricier speaker. per kotta above, tannoy fusion (or mercury) is also good. haven't heard the mordaunt short carnival, but the ear... 
under the radio early 80s new wave....
alot of the synth-y 80s stuff is really dated now and i rarely listen to it, but the guitar-based brit bands still sound good to me--echo & the bunnymen, teardrop explodes, psychedelic furs, chameleons. more under the radar, and even better we... 
Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?
agree with colorfulpellets et. al.--emotiva has tended to be dismissed by the (apparently) uninitiated as "home theater" gear, whatever that means. i have noticed of late that emotiva seems to coming into vogue on these pages--lots of favorable co... 
The Emperor DAC has no Clothes
audioengr, very interesting post with many valid points about the economics of small high-end manufacturers--you're clearly well informed. to be clear, the "only 5% is in the actual electronics" quote is a statement from the mf guy, not my persona... 
The Emperor DAC has no Clothes
The founder of Musical Fidelity, which hawks the $300 giant-killer V-DAC, posited that "most high-end components offer incredibly bad value. . . about four to five percent of the cost of good value high-end electronics is in the actual electronics... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
i'm not one of the erudite or precise contributors, but i've been using my sbt for about two months now and, despite being something of a computer audio novice find it quite user friendly. setup is easy and interface is extremely logical and intui... 
Dynaudio vs Focal
per mapman and elvukai, i've gotta believe the focals can be top performers when paired with the right room and equipment. what was odd about my hearing of the maestros was that they were being driven by a monstrous megabuck (500w?) rowland amp in... 
Best used transport for CD, SACD, DVDA
agree with jazzerdave--the denon universal players sound really good and are available for a song. i also use an integra dps 6.5 ($100 or so on ebay) and have no complaints whatsoever. as you suggest, given the inevitability of computer audio (and... 
Dynaudio vs Focal
i recently heard both the ($50k) focal utopia maestro and the ($45k) dynaudio temptation at my local highend dealer outside chicago. surprisingly, i was unmoved by the focal--it sounded huge, and had that magnificent tweeter, but had a really bloa...