
Responses from loomisjohnson

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
ghosthouse, you make some interesting picks. keep 'em coming. 
Good inexpensive temporary speakers
i see some used totem model 1 signature and psb synchrony b listed here within your budget. i'd be very happy with either. 
Legendary Johnny Winter Dies at 70
i never got too much into the white bloozrock thing--too many technically proficient gunslingers w/o the soul of their influences. jw, however, really did have the feel--he's the one guy who could make done-to death old songs sound fresh. + highwa... 
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
i agree 100% with almarg (always a good policy around here) and phd--b&h and guitar center are vg examples of how to maintain a competitive b&m retail presence in this day and age. even best buy, ferchrissakes, got their head out of their ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
southside johnny, "men without women"--live remake of little steven's late 70s lost classic. pretty great--johnny's a much better singer than ls and the horns, in particular, are spot-on. the songs are classic. really.boris and michio kurihara, "r... 
Top 3 Most Overrated Artists contest in R&R.
+1 lowrider. it's great that aerosmith gave up the crack pipe and got healthy, but it unfortunately didn't help their music. not sure if anyone mentioned rod stewart, another once-great who sunk to the lowest form of pop drivel 
Top 3 Most Overrated Artists contest in R&R.
i submit that to qualify as overrated, you have to be a real critic's pet, which would exclude some of the aforementioned nominees (bonjovi, kiss, etc.). my own candidates:u2--as seth rogen immortally opined with respect to steely dan (who i quite... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
steve miller--recall the beginning...before his run as purveyor of mindless (tho catchy) am hits, sm was actually quite an ambitious fellow whose late 60s/early 70s records were very well conceived, flawlessly played and still sound good today. th... 
Can Quest:
headfi is an amazing resource for all things headphone. the obsessives on that site know much more than me, but i'd try the koss portapro ktc, which should meet your criteria and are ridiculously good for the next-to-nuthin price. sennheieser px10... 
Yamaha R-S700 2 Channel Stereo Receiver
agree with all of the above regarding yamaha--i feel like even in the 80s and 90s, when their peers like sony were churning out junk, they were maintaining a higher standard. i've observed that the big mass market players like yam, hk and onkyo ha... 
Yamaha R-S700 2 Channel Stereo Receiver
+1 zd. fwiw, i'm currently using the s700 (yamaha integrated) and like it just fine. i've heard the outlaw 2150 and various rotel and they're very nice, but i doubt they're an evolutionary step beyond the yamaha. 
Energy 22 Pro Need Assistance
johnk, how do you detach the tweeter from the metal plate? thanks in advance 
Is Spotify as good of quality as the HD-Tracks?
you're welcome, onemug. a few parting rants, then i'll leave this subject alone:1. i still mourn mog's demise, but all good things must pass...2. compared to mog, spotify may have a better library--it has some artists (led zep, aimee mann) who wer... 
Energy 22 Pro Need Assistance
thanks johnk--i figured as much. since the foam's glued down, i guess i have to tear it out and replace it somehow, but so it goes. 
Is Spotify as good of quality as the HD-Tracks?
onemug, i did try beats for two weeks--like mog, beats streams "up to 320kb" mp3, although they use a different streaming protocol. alot of people complained that beats doesn't sound as good as mog did ("more compressed" and "artificial highs" bei...