
Responses from loomisjohnson

Allman Brothers Band -- Shades of Two Worlds
on the basis of the foregoing recs i picked up one way out and i'm digging it as well--it's very music-centric and free from bloat/scandal. duane comes across as a veritable saint--it's scary to think how much greater he woulda become if he had li... 
Help - new house - new setup?
there are others on these pages with vastly more expertise in this area, but before you drop 10k on new speakers, i'd look very critically at room treatment---you have a very large room and reflections, resonance, placement, etc. may be affecting ... 
NAD 787 receiver.. Will satisfy audiophile?
it doesn't surprise me that most of the posters above aver to repair issues with their nad units, which has certainly been my experience. they sound good when they're working, however. 
Thoughts on new Blur album
i heard the new one on spotify--it's good, but i'd start with their masterpieces, parklife and great escape. much as i admire blur, i've always found their excessive britishness a bit hard to genuinely embrace--their arch-rivals oasis, though nowh... 
Dynamic speakers
tannoy would be another to consider 
Van Morrison "Duets"
i took a quick listen and didn't like it--can't blame the guy for trying to make a living, but these duet albums really do smack of being in a creative void. i've heard similar ones from john fogerty, elton john and seemingly every other past-thei... 
Why so underwhelmed by Revel F208 audition???
i'll add, probably gratuitously, two points:1. you should listen to whatever almarg tells you, as he is always right2. i haven't heard the f208s but have heard the the 206s, f52s and f30 (which i still own) with a variety of amps and concur that a... 
Does HiRez really sound better?
not sure if this was mentioned above, but a stanford professor named berger did an 8-year study in which he found that his incoming students overwhelmingly preferred mp3 to cd and other much higher rez sources, ostensibly because the metallic "siz... 
Tidal Streaming Service
i did a trial run of tidal before deciding to stay with spotify--the sound quality is significantly better than spotify (though not as much a quantum leap as, say, spotify from pandora). however, like the above, i found tidal's library a lot thinn... 
Six Finger Satellite/Pete Phillips
marty--you're dead-on about ms's guitar players--he's had richard lloyd (my fave), robert quine (a great fluid player whose style is the polar opposite of lloyd's). ms is actually a very good guitarist as well. i'm a lttle familiar with this six f... 
Replacing Veneer on ProAc Speakers
i'd be curious to see a picture of the damage, if the op can post. depending on the depth of the gouge, veneer color, etc., it might be possible to get good results with stainable wood filler or conceivably refacing the top with psa veneer--there'... 
What Pre/Pro do you recommend?
in your price range i'm familiar with the integra 80.3; the marantz 8801 also gets raves, though i haven't heard it. to be frank, however, i'd only buy used--these pre/pros depreciate very steeply very quickly as the latest-and-greatest codecs and... 
We lost another bassist: Free's Andy Fraser dies
one of my college roomates turned me onto his bass playing--esp. since paul kosoff was such a minimimalist fraser really was playing four-string lead most of the time. his career post-free wasn't that notable, buy i musta listened to "fire and wat... 
What tracks really make your system shine?
i can't help thinking about the "sopranos" episode where tony blasts dean martin from a boat to torture a property owner... 
Counterfeit Audioquest Cables
query whether at least some of the fakes are as good as or better than the authentic ones. i've heard, reliably, of fake beats headphones which are better made than the originals; likewise gucci bags.