
Responses from lonemountain

Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers
jburidanAre you thinking "plate amps" are Class D amps or some design that is somehow different than a "normal" rack mount amp?  The circuit design and parts inside an ATC amp pack are identical to 3 of our stand alone Class A/B power amps, sharin... 
Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers
Active speakers will break your heart when the plate amp fails. Then you'll prolly have to throw it away unless you know how to repair it. Huh? I'm not sure why one would through away amplifiers?  Why not repair them?  We have amp packs that have ... 
Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers
Ok canibefrank when you pull just those words out I see my mistake and creating confusion.   Thanks for asking for clarity! I meant you have the "ability to control phase" at the crossover points of the system.  There are two adjustment points wit... 
Opinions and recommendations on active loudspeakers
Some interesting posts here.....the first two active speaker companies the I know of were Genelec (which I represented years and years ago) and ATC (which we now import to the US as lone mountain).  Both companies have a long history of "how its d... 
Advice about Tekton: replace ATC SCM20 SL with Tekton Electron?
The ATC 20SL passive, right?  ATC 20s have an extremely high resolution driver that shows off amps and cables to a very high degree.   The do start rolling off around 90-85Hz or so, but have the ideal 12dB/octave sealed box LF which can produce qu... 
How many brands use own drivers?
I think you have to understand why they build their own. Some do it because they need to drive the price down on certain products or product lines.  Some do it because they build so many different types of speakers its easier to build these slight... 
Your thoughts about ATC loudspeakers
itzhak1969I guess you could say ATC speakers like power, as greater dynamic range with low end = the need for higher system gain. However, last I looked, there are plenty of used Brystons and used PASS Labs and other excellent larger amplifiers av... 
So disappointed in today's Americana
Sarah Jarosz is recorded by one the best engineers in the business. Follow him for great records, Gary Pacozsa.  His records are ridiculously good.  "Follow Me Down" (her #2 album) and Build Me Up from Bones (#3) both got Grammy noms.  Her latest ... 
Where to hear ATC speakers
That was something special we did for Absolute Sound so they could compare active & passive approaches in one loudspeaker.  It required a fair amount of labor during the review to make the switch!  It's a pretty amazing thing to hear a high re... 
Where to hear ATC speakers
BTW, regarding dealers in your area, the pro guys do not sell the consumer models and vice versa.  The level of customer service of the two different types of dealers is completely opposite.  Pros only sell flat black painted monitors, no woods, v... 
Where to hear ATC speakers
I was the one who did that demo at AXPONA.  The active advantage is pretty clear, but a lot of folks love those amps and cables!   For NYC demo, I would call George at Innovative Audio.  They have 19s now and we are in the process of trying to get... 
ATC SCM20, Wow what sound..
The 20 is a "pro" number in the US, and home audio model is called the SCM 19.  Active is called the SCM 19A.  The SCM 19 and SCM 20 pro are voiced differently, in both active and passive versions.  The 20 is brighter and set up for highlighting f... 
ATC users
P2's do drive SCM 19s much better than a P1, I've done that demo many times as the ATC importer to the USA.  But a P2 vs P1 is not as dramatic a difference for the money vs a sub.  I'd recommend multiple subs at lower level, as opposed to one, if ... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
The simplest way for bass boost is use your room boundaries.  Using the example of a flat response bookshelf on stand in the middle of a room away from all boundaries, move that stand mounted speaker fully against one wall- this adds +3dB in low e... 
Your thoughts about ATC loudspeakers
I really don't know where this information comes from, "not easy to drive".  ATC has a very consistent impedance curve, does not drop down to super low impedance like many other systems do.  Efficiency in the full range sealed box category, say BB...