

Responses from lolo

vintage integrated
First I am a vintage collector. I found an old Eico 12w mono amp in a box of "junk" in my garage making it's way to the curb. Didn't even know I had it. No face plate, no knobs. I hooked it up with an St97 Eico stereo tuner and added an old mono M... 
Best tube integrated under 1500 new or used
Plinius 8200II - a no brainer 
Anyone making plinths? WTB
I'm your guy. EMail with specs...lolo13@juno.com 
Vintage systems- anyone else?
Eico st 70 stereo amp & Eico st97 fm/am stereo tuner. Of course tubes- WOW! I've have Fisher 500c 's Scott 222,299,272,340 and various Macs- but you've got to hear the Eico's.Also have modified caps Ar2a 's .Frazier speakers which sound better... 
Cables with Forest Totems
at 1st I used Audioquest sterling/clear shotgun bi wired. Great. The Zen holograms bi wired were just pale and boring next to the AQ but very good none the less. Plinius 8200II was the amp. If you can afford the AQ.... 
Any arm/cartridge ideas?
I dumped my rega 3/rb300 like a hot potato after hearing the systemdek w/stock arm. I also have a Sumiko arm which seemed slightly darker than the Profile. But I'd just upgrade the cartidge- hard to beat the systemdek/profile combo. Lots of other ... 
Advice on pricing old Audio Research pieces
BLue book doesn't really reflect current market sales. EBAY has changed that dramtically. Condition is everything in vintage audio. Demand for any audio piece is an elusive concept. Factor in the blue book, ebay , audiogon and you'll get an idea f... 
Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ?
Aural Acoustic model B - Heard them at the NYC show - I bought them 
SYSTEMDEK IIX - Does anyone have a manual ?
I have one 
Vintage vs. New Tube Amps
Being a vintage collector, vintage amps( RCV, etc) are certainly worth it. Tuners/Receivers are particularly great in vint gear. Just get someone knowledgable to either restore , update or mod it. No brainer considering the cost of new. Then you c... 
Amp for Totem Forest
Plinius 8200II 
Good Integrated for Totem Forests? Pathos?BAT?
I use a PLINIUS 8200 II with my Forests- very nice- Forests need lots of power. But you should listen 1st 
Anyone use a Ringmat on a TT
Ringmat was HUGE improvemtn on my Systemdek XII and (not as) HUGE improvment in my Rega 3. Seems to improve most tables- But you gotta listen & like the results 
Newbie received Dual 1249 gift, need advice...
Arm gimbol is probably broken assuming the tracking force isn't the problem- Table is a totalloss. Contact me for more info 
Building an equipment rack from scratch
Go to home depot get a 1/2 sheet(2x8) MDF or plywood and some 5/8" threaded rods 3ft long and some nuts and you got a Salamander clone. I make one a while ago and have it listed here so you can see fotos of it