
Responses from listener57

Biwired Speakers - silver for high, copper for low
I formerly used Alpha Goertz big shiny copper ribbon MI-3 for excellent full range results, including body, detail, and transparency. Then added for the upper treble range, silver ribbon AG-1, with bi-wiring. Similar to your speaker cable search. ... 
Rega RB-300 tonearm with Incognito Rewire ?????
Another cost-effective, self-added, tweak, with powerful results, is the F-2 Titanium Heavyweight Counterweight from Gregory_Kerry, an Audiogon member. If you haven't tried this, it is greatly worth a listen, before you go to the trouble of shippi... 
Review: Space-Tech Lab VP-1001 Tube amp
Thanks for bringing a relatively unknown custom manufacturer to everyone's attention. Your unit is very beautiful to look at, and it's great to learn it makes beautiful music, too. 
Cartridge too heavy for tonearm counterweight...
I had a similar amazing experience with the the F-2 Titanium Heavyweight Counterweight sold by Gregory_Kerry, a member of Audiogon. You can contact him through the internal Audiogon member email contact system. I put it on my humble Rega RB-300.Th... 
$200 or less 8' Run - Zu WAX, AP, Singal, Others?
My favorite recommendation is the $180 custom pair of eight foot cables from Audiogon member, Gregg Straley. They replaced excellent Alpha Core MI-3, and AG-1 cables, and are just super for their price, or any price.The money back guarantee assure... 
tube integrated's
Aronov Audio LS-960I has a sense of power, due to its superior bass control, and extension. This accompanies a natural, lifelike reproduction throughout the full frequency range. A few have appeared on Audiogon for the surprisingly low price of $1... 
Are the performance of separates worth the price?
My favorite way to get the separate amp performance without the preamp cost, and to avoid the somewhat less stellar performance of an integrated amp, is to use EVS Ultimate Attenuators, from playing only one source, such as CD's,... 
platinum audio solo's
Sean34,I used a Sound Valves 35 watts per channel tube amplifier, and a matching tube preamplifier, and the sound was musical, articulate, detailed, and with thrilling bass.Audiophile buddies agreed. This was in a small room.These go used on Audio... 
Cary Audio, Customer Service
All very true. I experienced great customer service when my vintage, NOS Cary amplifier had a start-up problem, even though no longer under warranty. We all have to take a deep breath before inscribing harsh thoughts in these discussion threads. I... 
Speakers to match a CARY SLI-80
I obtained satisfying bass using the vintage Cary SLA-70Sig with 42 watts per channel using NOS EL-34's, and the Platinum Audio Solo's. So your Cary SLI-80 should really have no trouble providing deep, pitch accurate, acoustic,and electric bass, w... 
Tube Amp suggestions for VSA VR4-SE's?
Although Tpsonic has given very excellent advice to me over the telephone, I must disagree with the master, about the Aronov amps. While there is no disagreeing with each person's knowing what he or she likes best, Aronov is not accurately portray... 
Replacing Vandy 2CEs w/ Monitors--Can It Be Done?
If you can use 15-18 inches out from your short wall, consider Platinum Audio Solo's. The rear ports worked fine, even at this close range. Used prices on Audiogon running less than $800, including matching custom speaker stands. Can use any stron... 
Mix & Match Interconnects
My own experience parallels that of Jmcgrogan2. I have evolved to preferring the economical, single pricepoint, custom line of IC's, and Speaker cables from Audiogon member, Gregg Straley. There is synergy in them there hills, for sure. Great soun... 
Tube Amp suggestions for VSA VR4-SE's?
In the realm of natural, musically involving, reproduction, don't forget the Aronov Audio amps. Simply sound real. Even the LS-960 (list $2600) is mighty impressive, in the loudness range you specified, with the LS-9100 Monoblocks (total list $600... 
Transport for Scott Nixon Tubedac+
I believe the coax digital cable should be longer than your 0.5 meter. At least that's what I remember reading, and the many I have purchased used, from other Audiogon members, are approximately 1 meter.As far as the old time CDP's go, I have a st...