
Responses from listener57

Interspace and rega arm question -- help
If you are not sure you can do something for yourself, and if there is no qualified fellow hobbiest to call upon for expert help, then it may be less aggravation for you if you pass on the "bargain" that might ruin your day.The initial setting up ... 
dbx Home Speakers
My father-in-law has these set up practically flush against a brick wall, and side walls are brick, with an echo, in a basement. He uses a thirty year old Sony mid-fi receiver, and a fifteen year old low-fi CDP, so by listening through dual hearin... 
Review: Hyperion HPS-938
Trelja, I got through to Albert Wu on the third ring to phone number 1-646-262-7027, on Sunday, so if there is someone interested in reaching him at that number, there is hope.Are you confusing salesmanship with customer service? I am sure from my... 
Full Range Speakers for 4000 or Less?
Whenever I see a system with the Rega arm, it is my civic duty to recommend you install the $129 Kerry F-2 Titanium Heavyweight Counterweight. Lots of past discussions about this, and its competitors. It really elevated my vinyl listening enjoymen... 
Review: Hyperion HPS-938
Trelja, Although caution is important in every endeavor, including the search for a great system, Albert Wu, sales manager, who demo'ed recently to the Connectict Audio Society, can be reached at his business card telephone number 1-646-262-7027 (... 
Review: VH Audio Flavor 4 Power cord
Chrisvh, Thanks for responding, and sharing your considerable personal experience with the rest of us.This sort of Audiogon interaction allows many to learn, especially when chances to meet in person are so rare. 
Review: VH Audio Flavor 4 Power cord
Sean, do you think simply applying something like Walker Audio SST Contact Enhancer to the metal conductor inside the cord end prior to its simply being crimped, or clamped during manufacture, would allow better performance, even if a company wish... 
Review: VH Audio Flavor 4 Power cord
Great real life experience report. Would either Thorman, or Chris, himself, be able to comment whether an "accelerated" break-in (professional device, or budget gadget hooked to home appliance) can speed the process of reaching full cord potential... 
$1100 to spend used -integrated or separates?
Aronov LS-960I tube integrated amp has been running around $1250, used, and still sounds the best to me at this price point, delivering very elevated performance. Model is currently being listed new for over $3000 (I think) , as the cost of manufa... 
DIY LP cleaning IKEA find
Zaikesman, many thanks for taking the time to share your great idea. There have been those times when a record is just too "yucky" (Sesame Street speak) to immediately take its place on the VPI cleaning machine. My older method of hand twirling th... 
Review: Hyperion HPS-938
Attention Larryb, you can have these speakers for true bargain list price of only $4K, although you've just about paid for their great accompanying amp, if you include the extra $1K, because during this introductory phase there may still be some a... 
Review: Hyperion HPS-938
It's true about the speakers :>) The speakers are unique, and patents to prove it, but the real proof is in the listening. Also there are some unique patent-worthy features to be found in the design of this company's amplifier. (Preamp, not hea... 
Good Better Best Interconnects
And, furthermore, having wiring professionally broken-in by one of the Audiogon vendors like George Saubon at can dramatically improve performance, even further. So, it can be cost effective to invest in better "break-in" along wit... 
RB-700 Counterweight: Stock, Express, F2, Michell?
The Kerry Audio F-2 Titanium Heavyweight Counterweight definitely astounded those who heard my lesser model RB-300, before and after. Self install in minutes, and you'll be pleased. You can check past Audiogon discussions where there are a lot of ... 
Totem Forest, Mani 2's or Green Mtn Audio Europa
The reference to "Larry from LSA" raises my curiosity level, but what company is being referred to by the posting of Lrsky?