
Responses from listener57

Best 70+wattt tube amp under $2000 suggestions?
If you can use a conservatively rated 60 watts per channel integrated, there is an Aronov LS-960I for $950, just posted on Audiogon. I already own one, and can vouch for its quality performance, especially at this ridiculous giveaway price. This u... 
Merlin owners,any thoughts.......
Another low price/high performance speaker cable is the $180 eight foot pair from Audiogon member, Greggstraley, which replaced my already excellent value Alpha Core Goertz MI-3, and AG-1 speaker cables. Currently use with ribbon tweeter/transmiss... 
Good Quality Distilled Water???
Have just had an opportunity to try the RRL samples, graciously, and at no cost, sent from David (4yanx) one of the Audiogon Good Guys, willing to share his enthusiasm for a product line.Really, quite impressive improvement in vinyl listening, eve... 
Power cords?
I recently tried an upgrade that is useful for fixed power cords, Lloyd Walker's wipe on SST (super silver treatment) signal enhancer, which comes with supply of excellent applicators (which could do double duty as cosmetic eye makeup applicators)... 
Victory at Sea Audiophile recordings
I find that the original Living Stereo vinyl records ,in mint condition, sound just fine. I have missed seeing any Classic re-issue, if that is why you are not sure whether the original vinyl is good enough. I have a number of copies of this item,... 
Anyone listened Living Voice/Croft set-up?
In response to the questions posed by dtanclim, I did not find the precise identity of associated components listed in my brief listening notes. I think that is because I was writing down details about some of the CD's being played, instead. The o... 
Anyone listened Living Voice/Croft set-up?
This room easily had the best selection of, magically reproduced, real classical music, in the entire Show. During the restricted entry Thursday when I had a chance to visit, the room was set up for approximately three listeners to be thrilled by ... 
Better tuner than Denon TU1500RD for $285 budget?
I have the Yamaha T-85 which has been a fine tuner for DX'ing, and does not impart a falsely warm, and mellow quality. It certainly can receive that quality when it is a genuine attribute of the particular recording, as in a cello concerto, or cel... 
How long for IC cables and Power Cords to break in
I think that any signal passing through power cords, and interconnects, and speaker cables, contributes toward the burn in process. There is a CD-R from PAD that accelerates, and renews this process.Also, there are Audiogon members who use special... 
Anyone hear the Almarro room at HES 2004?
Which part of their product line was on display, making such a fine impression? 
Best of Home Entertainment 2004 NY ?
For the friend or relative who just wants to listen to music, and have somebody else get it all together for them, I heartily recommend a look ( internet direct seller ), and a listen ( money back guarantee ) at, the most value or... 
Spectron III: has anyone heard it?
At the Stereophile Show in NYC, this weekend, a just assembled prototype digital amp was demonstrated by Odyssey Audio, and the company president, Klaus Bunge, pretty much agrees with your evaluation of how digital amps can affect what is heard. H... 
VTA Q: Rega P25 with Clearaudio Aurum Beta S
Lloyd Walker with his top dog $27,000 turntable took the time to change VTA when demonstrating playback of a 200 gm record. So, both Yetiman, and Colitas are right about the difference being audible.I have so many "regular" records. and so few spe... 
Matching an amp to speakers for beginners?
For someone without experience assembling a reasonable priced system, consider the pre-matched components from Odyssey Audio, which I heard at the NY Stereophile Show.Klaus Bunge who works out of Indianopolis, Indiana, has all the experience requi... 
How to track down bad tube and what can it mean?
At Radio Shack, there are non-shedding replacements for Q-tips so no particles accidentally transfer from tube pins into tube sockets. Another way to go is to use tiny, pointed, non-shedding eye cosmetic applicators from the cosmetic section at an...