
Responses from liguy

This is THE powercord I want :
Frap and Redkiwi, I came across something really interesting just the other day. My wife and I went to audition a Rowland Research 112. The gentleman who auditioned it for us was selling it so he could start a family. He had quite a setup but I wa... 
Favorite solo piano players...cds
Billy Barber of Flim and the BB's fame cut 2 CD's in the middle 1980's. Nice to listen to on a rainy day. 
Straight wire with gain????
Cornfedboy, glad to see you decided to stick around. Catch ya in the forums. 
How to get rid of transformer hum?
Tommy, I apoligize for my over simplified explaination but have you thought of something like the PS audio box that recreates or regenerates the sine wave? Another possibility is a used ac power source. I have seen some manufactured by Elgar at so... 
How to get rid of transformer hum?
Fpeel, this is a different problem than yours. This does not sound like a ground problem but it sounds like the culprit is power line harmonics. The chopped off top of the sine wave suggests that something looking similar to a squarewave is feedin... 
Input Impedance Measurement
Bob your answer is correct but putting a 10K resistor in series with the input and feeding it with a 1V 1KHz sine will allow you to use simple ohms law. Measuring the voltage drop across the 10K to calculate the current flow, then subtract the vol... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Sqjudge, how is that possible when you say that audio cables do not act as transmission lines. Take it from an EE who has around a bit much of transmission line theory applies both to Audio and RF. Capacitance is capacitance, inductance is inducta... 
Where s the bass?
Tai, something is wrong here. You claim to have gotten great bass driving Thiel 7.2's with a 60 watt BAT tube amp whilw getting little bass with Pass X600's? I think not! How did you drive the Thiels, which have only 86db sensitivity with the 60 w... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Gumby, I would be willing to bet that in a better piece of equipment the power cord never sees the severe changes that you talk about. I do agree that the AC side of the supply does see changes in current demand but if there is sufficient filter c... 
Carl hears through Diamond
I quite agree with Carl. I like the Diamonds for all the reasons Carl mentioned, and some reasons Carl mentioned and I did not prerviously consider. 
dedicated lines, equal length?
Leafs, that is not always true. Whenever there is resistance in the ground path there is the potential for a ground loop but in this case I happen to agree with you that making both power lines the same length helps no one except the person the wi... 
dedicated lines, equal length?
The power lines do not have to be of equal lenght. The only concearns should be sufficient conductor size for each conductor (Hot, Neut and GND and it pays to have the largest guage wire you can manage), a very good ground and a quality outlet. If... 
Voltage question...
It is good advice to let krell do the modification if you have never done something like this before. I have not seen a schematic of this Krell amp but if I was a betting man, I would guess that it may be as simple as changing the primary taps on ... 
How can power cords make a difference?
I don't know how many of you out there have read the Mike Van Evers explaination of why power cords make a difference but IMHO it makes no logical sense at all. Any other comments out there? 
How can power cords make a difference?
Nrchy, don't start that scientist crap again. I am sick and tired of reading the sos.