
Responses from liguy

What Would you Trade your System FOR?
A woodworking shop stocked with all the toys. 
Point to point wiring VS. PCB drawing
While ground planes on PCB's are an advantage I have seen it misimplemented quite a few times on a professionally designed board. The advantage of point to point wiring is that everything can be grounded to one point and obviously it is very diffi... 
Musical or scientific/technical background?
Please do not hold it against me but I have a degree in electrical engineering and sell test and measurement equipment for Tektronix. 
Did anyone manage to ``repare'' a buzz, ever?
I am going to assume the crossover frequency was higher before? I am going to take a guess that you have a bad filter cap in the power supply. I base my conclusion on the following: your woofer has a better low frequency response then your higher ... 
What's phase 0 degree - 180 degree?
Tsouthworth is right on the money. My preamp inverts the signal so I must swap speaker leads minus to plus and plus to minus. With your setup I would only have to flip the switch. 
Balanced Cables-Need Help
A balun is a transformer that is used to convert an unbalanced system (a grounded system) to a balanced system (a system not referenced to ground). 
Help with Martin Logan Ascent cables
Don't be so quick to run out and spend money on cables. I really think your problem is speaker placement. The Ascents are great speakers but placement is tricky. Play with the speakers before you spend your hard earned cash. Good luck. 
Balanced Cables-Need Help
The proper way to convert a balanced connection to an unbalanced connection (single ended connection) is by the use of a balun. They can be found at your local audio store and cost about $25 to $30. 
Which is better, live performance or on your system?
I think it depends on the type of music. I jump at the chance to go to Lincoln Center to hear the NY philharmonicbut I am also a big jazz fan and the last venue I attended at the Beacon Theatre left me wondering if I would get hearing damage it wa... 
How important are equal cable lengths?
At these low frequencies (audio range) it probably does not make too much of a difference because the wavelenghts are so long. The purists will probably disagree but my cables are not equal and I can not hear and discearnable difference. 
Short Power Cable (ie, 3 to 6ft)
I am no expert but I think anytime you can shorten a cable you benefit from it. Shorter interconnects equal less capacitive loading and loss and shorter speaker cables equal higher current capability due to less line loss. Just my humble opinion, ... 
Sometimes skips, sometimes doesn't
I agree, the laser could need a good cleaning or possibly the player, because of it's age and dated technology, is less tolerant of errors or small drop outs in program material. The error correction circuitry and algorithms have come a long way i... 
Best Preamp for under $1750.00
Tuff question! If I were in your position I would audition the Plaxette Passive, Marsh P200T and Rogue 99. These are the preamps in your price range that I have heard and would recommend, but some of the previous posters have made some darn good s... 
Best Mid Fi Amp from 90s to today. Look
I would like to put my two cents in if nobody minds. The Marsh A400, Aleph 3, and Rogue amps get my vote. We are fortunate in this day and age that there are quite a few great midfi amps to choose from. You don't necessarily have to spend megabuck... 
Who is selling Musical Fidelity Now ?
Thanks Fineberg for the heads up! I just got the latest Audio Advisor catalog in the mail today and there is no mention of them giving up the line the line. I also agree with one one the previous posters as I would rather deal with Galen Carol als...