

Responses from lhasaguy

Sound quality vs. volume
I am with the folks who believe your amp is a significant part of the issue.  If you can borrow tour friends Diablo 300, that would be an inexpensive way to make that determination.When I went from an Adcom amp to McIntosh 501s driving 3.6 Maggies... 
Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?
In my youth I had season tickets to Andre Previn conducting the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in Hein Hall, a noted acoustical venue.  I also listened to live jazz in the local clubs, i.e Modern Jazz Quartet with Milt Jackson on vibes.They are ver... 
How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?
The is no doubt that designs and execution have advanced over time.  Yet I have to ask myself after deep reflection, how much better is it really?When I purchased my first decent system of separates, 50 years ago while in the service, I had a smal... 
Why No McIntosh Recommendations?
McIntosh is similar to scotch as it is an acquired taste.   I have 3.6 Maggie’s driven by MC501 mono blocks.  I bought my amps 9 years ago and if I chose to sell them, I would get ALL my money back.How many pieces of gear can you say that about.  ... 
which car is sitting in your listening room?
List price new, a nice Camry, in context, we have a couple of E Class Mercedes, so my audio spending is not over the top in terms of proportion to our lifestyle. 
What are the advantages to a Class A amp & what are the trade offs?
At the end of the day, it is your ears that decide.  Class A has certain very distinct attributes that factor into its choice.I have reasonably inefficient speakers (planars) that require a bit more power / current than is typically availabke from... 
I would suggest evaluating speakers, i.e. Maggies as well as room treatments.  The best bang for the buck is often the least expensive. I recommend listening to Magnepans due to your choice of music.  We all have our favorites, but listening costs... 
Buy a $40,000 10 year old amp for $4,000 or new amp for same money?
I bought a pair of McIntosh MC501 mono block amps 10 years ago for 6K, can sell them for more than that today.  Care to compare Class D amps from 10 years ago and their resale price today?Quality will always trump the newest thing. 
What system can adequately reproduce the sounds of a tanker being hit by torpedo ?
As someone who served in submarines in the US Navy, I find this thread offensive on many levels.  I shall comment no more 
Bang for Buck
Synergy is an important component, thus no generic solution can be applied to an unknown system.Low impedance speakers may mitigate fir a better amplifier, are tubes either pre amp or amp a choice, what cartridge and tone arm are in use, etc.One c... 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
I suspect you lacked enough headroom for the Maggies.  However, they will never have massive bass punch.  It is all about component synergy.  Enjoy your joirney! 
An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?
While I would agree that decent audio today requires a middle class income, I remember buying decent gear when a Sgt in the Army.  I prioritized my spending towards audio.One does not need to be wealthy in order to accumulate gear and appreciate d... 
What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
I watch the prices of my gear and while they are not new, I can get what I paid for my MC501 mono block amps and probably more than I paid for my C220 tube preamp, 9 years ago.Well kept McIntosh gear out performs the used marketplace IMHO.It is al... 
An Audiophile is Anyone Who Loves Audio Regardless of Monetary Status. Agree?
One can acquire good sound at many price points. Thus, changing gear, upgrading, etc.  All the hallmarks of an audiophile, can occur at many different financial levels.As one moves through life, a successful professional often moves through new ta... 
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
I have not made a change in 9 years, not counting new tubes.  I am down sizing, so new room treatments for the big Maggies (3.6) and a new system - TBD - for the living room.