
Responses from lewm

Installation Instructions??
Have a couple of gin and tonics before you start on this task. It will increase the likelihood of a disaster but drastically reduce the chances that you will care a lot.BTW, I have done it several times with nude cartridges (Benz, etc) and never h... 
Installation Instructions??
Tweezers. Borrow a pair from your wife. Needle-nose pliers are too potentially damaging to use for this job, IMO. If you squeeze too tight while concentrating on mating the connector to the pin, you can narrow the opening and thereby lose all hope... 
Micro Seiki MA707 vs CF-1
Thanks, Clio09. If you subtract the 707 from the 505, you have the 202. Until I saw that M-S 99V turntable for sale here a few weeks ago, I did not know that the 202 tonearm existed. My gut instinct was that the 202 could not be as good as the 505... 
"S" shaped tonearm ?
'feil, I take your point about engineering principles, etc, but the audio hobby is replete with examples of real world experience running counter to science-based expectations. So, you must admit that, for a given individual with a given turntable... 
Micro Seiki MA707 vs CF-1
Thanks, Clio09. That's about what I had come to believe from seeing photos on-line. So I gather that the major if not the only difference between the two is the carbon fiber arm tube on the CF-1. If I see an "MA707" with a black arm tube, I then a... 
Xv-1s competative carts mention in latest TAS
The last two over $5K cartridges that anyone sent him. 
Does it really get any better than the Raven AC ??
Can you tell us, compared to what? 
BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?
Much of the sound of a BAT preamp as compared to most others is likely due to their preference for oil caps (high quality copper foil in oil, I think) as output coupling capacitors. Some DIYers love the sound of oil caps and some don't, but the de... 
the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?
Someone else did not make it to the shower on time. It sold. And not a bad buy at that. Congrats to the buyer, if he read this thread, and please report to us your impressions of that weird yet wonderful gadget. 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Or, if you want to get fancy, the best strobe/disc I know of is sold by KAB. Worth the reasonable cost, IMO. 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
I think I remember that the Shakti stone does have the property of soaking up some of the stray fields radiated by transformers, over and above the fact that mass loading the tranny helps to reduce vibration. I also think I read that any old out o... 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
Did you try a plain old brick or rock or piece of slate as a control for the benefits of the Shakti stone? 
New TT or old
Although the best and most expensive tt's available today are superior to anything available 25 or more years ago, I would argue that at the low- and even the mid-price level you can get better quality reproduction for less money with a vintage tu... 
the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?
You are exchanging communications with a man who once owned collector sports cars now worth many millions of dollars. Not to mention why didn't I buy that Ferrari 250GTO back in 1971 for $12,000 (now worth upwards of 5 to 10 million)? I guess one ... 
the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?
One was sold off this website for $500, or certainly less than $600, within the past 6 months. I know because I wish I had bought it.