Responses from lewm
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Gosh. Everyone wants to pick on the M20FL. What do you mean by "refined"? Yes, the FL is a bit on the Technicolor side, but that's not a bad thing entirely. If we move away from that, we also move toward MC-ville. Been there. Problem is we are sca... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Tim, That's exactly what I was trying to do, list the ones that are readily available new or NOS. I think you one can still find an NOS Andante P76, which would be the only one on my list that is indeed open to question as regards its availability... | |
Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF This reminds me of advice that was given me after I got my old Grado TLZ cartridge out of mothballs in connection with the MM/MI craze. Someone wrote that someone else on VE wrote that the one and only "correct" VTF for the TLZ was 1.62 gm. This m... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? This thread is about vintage MM and MI cartridges. There is no attempt to analyze the relative merits of MC cartridge (relative to each other, that is).Here is a list of vintage and new MM or MI cartridges that you can buy today. All of these have... | |
Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF Just what IS the factory recommended VTF for the A90? And is it really surprising to anyone that the actual optimal VTF might be different for different tonearms? I guess the surprising element is that in all cases the best sound was achieved at a... | |
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge? Raul, As you know, I like what you are doing. And thru following in your footsteps (to a degree but making my own choices along the way), I am having more pure "fun" than ever with this hobby. I will always be grateful that you stimulated me/us to... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Wdi, I would like to echo Raul's sentiment. That Lenco looks gorgeous! If you made the plinth yourself, you are an artiste. If not, you still have great taste and acumen. You can go to my system site and see a fairly bad photo of my Lenco L75... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Raul, I guess my last question to you did sound like I was agitated. I just wanted to be absolutely clear on what it is that you are according such rave reviews, here and elsewhere on the internet. I foolishly sat still while others gobbled u... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Timeltel, "300pF" with what resistive load? The two parameters interact, so it would be good to know both. Just by eyeball, I would say that I right now am set at quite a bit more than 1.5 degrees positive VTA, more like 3 to 6 degrees, but very h... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Alex, I just assume it is "high compliance" and start from there. But someone here will probably have the exact and probably inaccurate factory spec. Given the age of these specimens, it is almost certain that the compliance is no longer what it o... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Raul, Do I understand correctly that you got an NOS Technics and sent it to van den Hul for.... what? Did they re-tip an NOS cartridge? It would be helpful if you could clarify just what they did to it. Do I also understand correctly then tha... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Franklin, I used to own an original HO Glider. I realize that there have been some revisions, so my remarks do not apply to the current version, BUT I would say that the M20FL (never heard the M20E), the Grado TLZ, the Azden, in other words a... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Raul, As you suggest, I did not mean my remarks to be taken as a final judgement of the Azden. In fact, pursuant to getting the most out of it, I asked you several days ago about VTA. I set mine up so that the little red plastic piece at the ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Halcro, Not to butt into your conversation with Royj, but there is very nice P mount adaptor for sale every day on eBay, for about $12. I've got one and it is of very decent quality in terms of the connectors. I think the make is "Pfanstiel" ... | |
thoughts on the Madrigal Carnegie One Frogman and I are in complete agreement. It also comes to mind that there are a number of other cartridges in the under $500 category that I would prefer over the BP, including any single one of the best vintage NOS MM/MI cartridges that have been... |