
Responses from lewm

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I think you may find that with careful tweaking both or either one of the Ortofon and the Andante may do better on resolving massed orchestral strings. I found this to be true of the Azden after I dialed in the geometry and VTA, but not before. (F... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
So has any one of us yet tried one of the NOS Technics cartridges sold by Thakker? Will either of those accept a stylus assembly from a 100C? Interesting idea, eh what. 
Koetsu Urushi: Blue Sky, Vermillion, Tsugaru
"Urushi", I believe, refers to the art of lacquer application.I recently saw a chart comparing the various versions of the Urushi. It seems to agree with what you say. Only the Vermillion is somewhat distinctive. I would buy the Blue, because I li... 
Any idea where to find Micro Seiki tonearm parts?
Also, look on eBay for a machinist who sells anti-skate weights for Dynavector tonearms and the like, "Peter" by name I think. Contact him. He can make anything. He made a perfect reproduction of a main counterweight for my DV505 (the thing that l... 
Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?
Syntax, Great photo. But your SRA looks a bit off, based on Fremer's latest column in S'phile. 92 degrees, he says. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Downunder, Best to go to M Percy website or to Texas Instrument website and search on "TI Shield". (The TI stands for Texas Instruments.) It's about as thick as the lid of a tin can, easy to work with. It is said to be superior to ERS cloth f... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Ddriveman, Yes. I use "TI Shield", sold in sheets by Michael Percy. I bought a 12x12" piece and cut it in the shape of an LP, then inserted it between the platter and the platter sheet. I have listened to the table with and without the shield in p... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I think you can get a male DIN plug made by Cardas from Michael Percy Audio in Nevada City, California, USA. I am sure there are many other sources for such a product, as well. 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
Sorry about the above post. I thought I was on the MM/MI thread at the time. I do not claim that the Azden YM-P50VL is the "absolute" best cartridge, by any means. The rest of that post was OT, too. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
The L07D is just the quiet-est turntable I have ever owned. This is not to say that there is any audible noise, rumble or other, to be heard with the Lenco or the SP10 Mk2. But when you listen to the L07D, you can sense the lowered noise floor in ... 
How important is ext. adj. for cartridge loading
100R, 1K, 47K, 100K resistive loading, switchable from the front or rear panel. There is really not much difference in sound for loads between 100R and 1k, IMO. You could add 10K, if space permitted.Switchable capacitative loading would be nice to... 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
OK. Now I think I can place the Azden cartridge. It is a great one for sure. Now I have to go listen to more different cartridges and also try the Azden in different set-ups, before I could ever give it a rating on a 1 to 10 scale. (But surely is ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I plan to try it on my Kenwood L07D, which as a system ((turntable/platter/tonearm/plinth) is the best thing I've heard yet in my home. 
The pivoted arm experiment is over
Thanks, guys. The thought of trying to lift any one of my at least 70-lb tts from the rear whilst standing at the front and also playing with the lateral balance weight was not a happy one. I did adjust the lateral balance of the DV505 with the ta... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear DU, Never heard that edginess you ascribe to the Orto M20FL Super. Mine is "like butta" in that frequency domain. Just goes to show how set-up and ancillary equipment can affect the outcome.