
Responses from lewm

Talea Arm: What cartridges are best?
Cdk84, None, other than the ZYX Uni. That constitutes my lifetime experience listening to the Talea in a home system where I "know" quite well all the other elements of the system. I also heard the Talea at RMAF with A90, I think. I will make no j... 
Help with my analog rig.
In a single-ended system, there are many sources of hum. Tubes per se are usually NOT one of them. You probably have a ground loop somewhere. Try ungrounding some of the items that are now grounded. You don't tell us much about that. Have you grou... 
Brinkmann Bardo vs Transrotor Fat Bob Reference
I too apologize if I offended Melbguy, but I think of Aussies as tough people, assuming his moniker indicates he is from Melbourne. I note that Melbguy opened this thread a year ago with a question, asking for a comparison of Transrotor to Brinkma... 
Talea Arm: What cartridges are best?
ZYX UNIverse/copper/0.24mV sounded exceptional (meaning compared to every tonearm/cartridge I ever heard) on a Talea. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Well, Nikola, you got me. I am guilty of all you say. But I don't own a Glanz cartridge and never heard one. And from my ~10 cartridges, I would probably keep six of them, not just the Grace Ruby. I believe Casanova would have said, "Love the one ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I bid 2 bucks above his minimum opening bid and thought for sure that I would never win it, but that was all I was willing to pay for a Ruby that needs a rebuild. To my surprise, no one topped my offer. I think I have the addiction under control i... 
Brinkmann Bardo vs Transrotor Fat Bob Reference
Audioquest, On the Asylum, I am "Lew". You can also contact me by finding my ad here for selling a pair of Sound Lab M1 stat panels, has my cell phone number too. 
Brinkmann Bardo vs Transrotor Fat Bob Reference
I looked it up, too. Life could have been simpler if they just made a direct-drive turntable instead, the new politically correct term for which is "magnetic drive". Why bother with the belt at all? If one insists on the ultimate in isolation, the... 
Turntable speed accuracy
Travis has a DP100. But where is Travis (aka T_bone)? 
How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?
"If you dont listen to them, why have them?" I keep mine because having them affords me the possibility of listening to them "some day". And it very often does happen that I go delving in to shelves that have not been disturbed in quite a while in... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Don, By using the phrase "flavor of the month" or similar, I for one do not mean to dismiss the particular cartridges that got that label. Most all of them that i have been able to sample are in fact superb. My point is that one can live happily w... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Don, The Grace Ruby and the Grace F9E are different animals, so all I can say is that I am glad you are happy. If I luck into an Astatic, I will give one a try. But I am not depressed about not owning one. 
Turntable speed accuracy
Dover, I think my response to you was too harsh. I apologize. Denon DP80 uses a 3-phase AC synchronous motor and also uses a quartz-referenced servo. Speed is monitored via a tapehead that "reads" the inner rim of the platter as it rotates. Knowin... 
Turntable speed accuracy
Hiho, Lets keep in mind that what you quote from the Brinkmann website is a commercial, full of blather with a sprinkling of fact. Like many politicians, they set up a "straw man" controversy in order to show how their product "solves" the problem... 
Through with Buzz.
THAT is a tough one. Is there a correlation with your physically touching the tonearm? If not, consider that there could be a ground wire perhaps in your tonearm that gets shorted out when the tonearm lifts off the LP. Look for a loose wire.