
Responses from lewm

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
But the point is whether shape can spread out or smooth the resonant peak of a homogeneous material. It is easy to see that shape can shift the resonant frequency per se. I suppose it can also spread out the energy so that several adjacent frequen... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Does anyone recall some earlier Clearaudio turntable designs, where the plinth was made of solid acrylic cast in a "curly" shape, something like that of the top of a baby grand piano? They said it was to control resonance, but I was dubious, becau... 
Need recommendation on mono cartridge please
I have not taken the mono plunge yet, but many speak well of the Miyajima Premium BE mono. There is a less expensive version of the same cartridge without the "BE" designation, just called the "Premium". So far as I can tell, the only difference b... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
I also think the Mk2 "needs" it more; the Mk3 is wonderful in stock form. I hear some albeit faint coloration with the Mk2 of a kind that could well be ameliorated by the Krebs mods. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Ughhh! I actually wrote that. Who knew? I guess you did. Are you archiving my wisdom or lack of same? The term is still rather oxymoronic, even if I wrote it first. While there are good practical theoretical reasons to eschew wood for a tonearm, I... 
Does vinyl have a sound?
Nil, In connection with the recent passing of Dave Brubeck, I took out some of my old Columbia LP recordings of the DBQ. Gone With the Wind is a 6-eye that I have owned since new (i.e., >40 years), played it on any and every rig I have ever own... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
Thanks, Albert. I have no personal interest in the Mk2 mod, because I no longer own a Mk2. But I now do understand what you wrote. Ken has both the Mk2 and the Mk3, and you will be able to compare them side by side. Sorry to have been a dunce. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
My dear Dover, The most fun about your posts when they follow mine is that I sometimes cannot figure out whether I am being insulted, or not. In any case, "euphonic hyperclarity" could be seen as an oxymoron and certainly did not attract me to the... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
Dear Albert, You wrote,"My friend (Ken) also has a Krebs Technics MK3 so he's clearly the person to answer this question. He has an ultimate system, very high resolution and pro tape machines that serve as baseline for sound."I am a bit confused. ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
One tonearm I bought just for looks is a Grace 714, the wooden one. I found a mint one with box and accessory parts. I don't really think it could compete with my two or three best, but I like having it. I also think that with a few tweaks it migh... 
Does vinyl have a sound?
I think it's not a great question. There are too many variables in the analog chain that impart their own colorations for one to say per se that "vinyl" has a sound of its own. On the other hand, tape definitely has a sound of its own, which makes... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
Yes, if you mean performing the Krebs mods on the Mk2, I too would be curious, as I think there is even more to be gained vis the Mk2 than vis the Mk3. Moreover, according to Bill Thalmann, the Mk2 Krebs mods are less expensive than the Mk3 ones. 
balanced output VPI
Brf, Since Mordante uses a RCA to RCA cable with a separate wire for earth ground, I think Ralph is saying the opposite, that Mordante CAN use his RCA cable and still effect a balanced connection to his preamp. But at the preamp, we need to know w... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Yes, there was the use of the terms "IHF Power" or "Music Power", which meant a highly inflated number compared to steady state or "RMS" Watts, which leads us back to where we started. High Fidelity magazine was a culprit in the spreading of infla... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Timel, I love those car ads that tout a "500W" Bose stereo system. Of course, Mr. Bose or his heirs are laughing all the way to the bank. The lay public does think that the more "Watts" the better it must sound.