Responses from lewm
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Richard, Your research in the area of plinth design and construction dwarfs my own very limited experiences. It seems that I am doomed to be misunderstood here; I meant no slur on acrylic in my previous post. I only meant to say that it is no... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I would never do a plinth in acrylic. The genesis of my interest in this arcane subject is that Clearaudio once made the claim that their pure acrylic plinth had favorable resonance characteristics (the definition of which could be almost anything... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Timel, Where are you located? Indiana? We had snow this morning and then torrential cold rain ever since. Yuk. But my wife and I just went out and had a fabulous French dinner in Georgetown to celebrate our anniversary. Hooray for us.The pages you... | |
Stereophile Class A tables Good point, Peter.JV does have a huge, perhaps disproportionate, effect on the editorial stance of TAS vis a vis what's good and what's not good, however. Nevertheless, I know nothing that would lead me to believe he is dishonest. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I believe I have the honor of making post #9000.Ad aspera per astra. | |
Stereophile Class A tables "When are WE going to get together and enlighten one another rather than argue over which reviewer has their "stuff" together? when that day comes, we will have a reliable database of meaningful insights of which components are truly wonderful sou... | |
Stereophile Class A tables Rsf, I was wondering why you made the statement "never trust Valin". Now you say he's been "dishonest". I personally think he has too much influence on the ratings, only because he is probably their best pure writer. Flowery adjectives pepper ever... | |
TriPlanar Tips Dear Rottenclam, If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the pivot rotates in the horizontal plane, however slightly, even when the set screw is tightened down. Is that so? If it is, then get the thing fixed! You should not have to put ... | |
Stereophile Class A tables This discussion is getting redundant, but Manitunc, in this case the direct-drive that got a class A rating is (I think) cheaper than the belt-drive one from the same manufacturer (Brinkmann). I would agree with your statement as a generality, how... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I am quite familiar with the Soundfountain site. It's a nice site but full of one man's opinion and no real science, does not address my simpler question.Merry Xmas and Happy New Year and thanks the earth did not explode on 12/21. (I had planned t... | |
Stereophile Class A tables Where's the conflict? If price is no indicator of performance, then two tt's with a 3X differential in cost might both be worthy of a class A rating, not that I would recommend for a second that anyone should go by the S'phile listings. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Gosh thanks. I SAID that perhaps Panzerholz AND slate should not be included on my list, because they have grain structure or are not homogeneous. Bronze and brass (and stainless steel) are indeed alloys, but I think alloys DO qualify for this ana... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? my only question was "what is the effect of shape of a solid homogeneous piece of any material on its resonant character?" The key word is "homogeneous"; I am not talking about CLD. The material could be acrylic, bronze, brass, stainless steel, sl... | |
Direct drive vs belt vs rim vs idler arm Jeremy bearing is terrific. I have an early Super Bearing with the clamp mechanism underneath the plinth. it costs as much as my Lenco but worth it. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Does anyone recall some earlier Clearaudio turntable designs, where the plinth was made of solid acrylic cast in a "curly" shape, something like that of the top of a baby grand piano? They said it was to control resonance, but I was dubious, becau... |