Responses from lewm
Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125? Buying from japan on eBay, your best protection is a 99% or better approval rating with thousands of respondents. Any of the well known vendors is safe and honorable, in my experience. But yes, do use a credit card. PayPal has buyer protection too. | |
Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125? Unless the YOP1 is itself a 120 to 100 step down transformer or contains one, don’t run your GT2000 at 120 even with a YOP1. | |
Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125? "pretty great to have". Can you define pretty great? So far as I know it's just a bunch of extra capacitors to filter the DC that drives the motor. You could build such an add on with modern capacitors for under $50, and the greatest expense wou... | |
Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125? The YOP1 is an option, not a necessity. They are usually easy to find on Japan Yahoo, if you really want one. | |
Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125? Like Elliot suggests, a 120V to 100V step down transformer is no problem. You just need one that can handle the wattage of the GT2000 motor, which is likely to be less than 25W. eBay for $50-ish. I owned a TD125 for several years. The GT2000 is si... | |
How does wood hardness affect the sound of a TT on a wood TT platform? Since no self-respecting, audiophile, least of all any of us, places a component in direct contact with a shelf, with no intervening exotic footer designed to isolate the component from the shelf, I think it makes very little difference what kind ... | |
SUT With a Manley Steelhead RC? Dear Snackey, Your response, "Matching the gain setting on the SUT or preamp with cartridge output rating.", is not quite the way to think about it. The cartridge has a certain signal output, expressed in mV in relation to stylus velocity. The st... | |
Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125? GT2000 all day long. | |
Solid State Phono Stages I re-read this thread. I thought I must have put in a plug for the Essential 3160 Phonolinepreamp, but apparently I did not, maybe because there are not that many in existence and because the 3160 is out of production. Anyway, this is the first so... | |
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms Quantum mechanics is an anti-philosophy. | |
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms It was inevitable, but the subject of the thread has now become how a tonearm should be designed and built, rather than how a tonearms sounds. Unfortunately, we've done this new topic to death in previous threads. I don't expect my pointing this ... | |
Copper vs. Silver tonearm wire If copper was silvery and silver was coppery in appearance, many would reverse their opinions of the respective colorations. | |
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms “The links are more than adequate…” Pindac, dear boy, you can’t be serious. First of all there is no control recording. Second, we aren’t told which is which. And finally, differences are bound to be too subtle to appreciate by this method. If no... | |
Copper vs. Silver tonearm wire Are we talking about chassis wiring, tonearm wiring, or ICs? In ICs, the geometry is very important. It determines the reactive nature of the IC (capacitance and inductance). That affects frequency response and also characteristic impedance. Same ... | |
Copper vs. Silver tonearm wire Nordost use a lot of silver-plated copper wire which they may loosely call “silver”. I found Nordost silver-plated copper, and in fact all silver plated copper to be bright if not shrill, and I never touch the stuff. Pure silver or pure copper, ei... |