
Responses from lewm

Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
I don't think even Ortofon would find the issues that occurred with Anna cartridges lent to M Fremer to be acceptable in terms of quality control. There is no excuse for his having received two consecutive defective samples. "Plug and play" is one... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
You guys have convinced me that Dave and I were bamboozled. I have not even removed that purported "550ML" stylus from its NOS container. I will be asking for a return of funds in exchange for a return of the item. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
It's dangerous to suppose that there is any cartridge that Raul has not either owned or heard. Usually, in fact, he owns it and has heard it.Meantime, I have some anxiety regarding the NOS 550 ML stylus assembly. Mine is blue, like Dave's. I infer... 
Question on FR 66s
Dear Raul, With all respect, this is your constant mantra. You are very consistent in your position vis a vis "distortion". The problem is, each of us needs a Raul doppelganger to come into his home to tell us what is distorted and what is not dis... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I feel like Rumpelstiltskin. I went to sleep with an NOS Precept 550ML stylus, several days ago when last I looked at this thread, and tonight I wake up to find that I have been defrauded. You see, my "550ML" also has a blue colored plastic struct... 
Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000
I just thought of something, in a space ship, the whole space ship would rotate counter-clockwise, if you bolted the turntable to the ship structure, and given sufficient motor torque to overcome inertia."Fly me to the Moon", indeed. 
Question on FR 66s
For some reason, copper DOES have a slightly different tonal balance vs silver, comparing solid core strands of equal gauge, used as home-made interconnects. However, I am not convinced that the sonic difference has much to do with the slightly su... 
Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable - Stereophile Review
Spirit, By now that review ought to be in the public domain. Try the S'phile website or the NVS website. 
Turntable with stable speed.
No regrets, You have brought up the most commonly discussed issue on the Analog site. There are two or three active threads devoted directly or indirectly to this subject. Look at the current top ten threads, and you will find in several cases liv... 
Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000
In an ideal universe there would be no bearing friction. Admittedly, this never happens. But in such a closed system, a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, i.e., counter-clockwise in this case, would be exerted on everything that i... 
Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000
Peter, I may be wrong, but I think the counter-rotating platters would have a nice stabilizing effect, rather like a gyroscope, but not actually gyroscopic. I am gratified to see that the quote from the designer, "counter-rotating platters cancel ... 
Question on FR 66s
Dear FR64S and 66S aficionados, What do you use for phono cable? Have you bypassed the DIN plug? For such superlative results as some of you describe, especially with very low output MC cartridges, I would think it is a necessity to get rid of the... 
Hammacher Schlemmer has Kronos $28,000
"KronosÂ’ variation on the theme is to rotate their second, identical, 30-pound platter in the opposite direction of the main platter spinning the record. In essence, it completely cancels any vibration induced by the first."I took this quote from ... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
Moonglum (and Thuchan), I kind of regretted the acerbity of that post. What Thuchan proposed is not nearly as "sinful" as were the designs of the AR turntable and the early SOTAs (and maybe also the LP12; I wouldn't know). His set-up is not going ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Later, Confucius was hit by a falling piano. If only he had known....(But in Confucius' defense, I don't think he said it.)Raul, Only one little thing: 32 bits is "needed" only if the machine has a volume control that operates in the digital domai...