Responses from lewm
Dead Oracle If the bad parts are discrete transistors, as you infer, you might try Googling the parts numbers. Very often seemingly unobtainable transistors and ICs can actually be found from sources in the Far East. I have had to do it twice, and I am 2 for ... | |
Why is it that? Dear Zd,The debate over "separates" vs full-function preamplifiers is a never-ending one, but suffice to say that there are many advantages to an all in one unit vs separate phono and linestages and vice-versa. But why would you expect "better syn... | |
Stylus Rake Angle I was trying to fix my post when I accidentally posted it. I obviously was referring to the front end of the cartridge body when I wrote that a "forward" tilt would move the cartridge body "downward". The rear end would move upward. | |
Stylus Rake Angle Jonathan, Thank you for your response. I too have never beheld an Arche headshell in person, but from what I've read about it on other threads, you are correct. So, my concept of how that works is to rock the cartridge either forward (and downward... | |
Stylus Rake Angle I think the Arche headshell (from Dertonearm, aka designer of the Axiom tonearm) allows for changing VTA at the headshell. I think this would fit Jonathan's requirement for changing VTA without changing the height of the vertical bearing, so as no... | |
Do I Have the Wrong Cartridge? Dear Nick, So if your reasoning is valid, i.e., ranking cartridge types based on moving mass, then why is it that in my whole audio life of more than 35 years I have yet to identify an HOMC cartridge that is superior to, or even competitive with, ... | |
no looking back Stringreen, Unless you buy only brand new LPs and your collection consists solely of LPs you bought new over the years, I am astonished to learn that you "see no need" to clean LPs. Maybe the operative word is "carefully". If you buy used LPs, try... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? So you think the 150ANV (and maybe the 2M Black) surpasses all the vintage MM and MI cartridges that we have been discussing for the past 5 years?I think very highly of Ortofon, as well. No matter how one model or another may sound, they are well ... | |
Stylus Rake Angle John, Thanks for the treatise. I agree with your definitions of the terms, but I cannot see the point of your statement:"Now while the stylus might be set at 92 degrees, the cantilever may not be at the same angle as the the cutter."The cartridge ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? PS. My remark about the Anna derived from one of your recent previous posts, wherein it seemed that you placed the Anna in high regard. I infer that I misunderstood you. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I did not know that MF had published the results of his listener poll. (I would not call it a contest, exactly.) Thanks for the URL. Yes, John Ellison, on VA, pointed out that the length of the cut was shorter (or longer?) for one of the 10 downlo... | |
TTW MOMENTUS MOMENTUS "The MONSTER" Rim Drive FWIW, More than a few tonearms are made by Jelco to be sold under other brand names. I've never owned a Jelco or a Jelco clone, but many speak well of their better efforts. I am not familiar with the tonearm, but why do you say it is "silly".If yo... | |
Stylus Rake Angle John, What do you think is meant by the first sentence in that article you referenced?:"Adjusting the cartridge for optimum SRA may alter the VTA away from optimum. Or vice versa."I usually think of VTA as a useful surrogate for SRA, but I guess t... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Hi Raul, In the above post, in the second paragraph, you seem to be ranking the Ortofon Anna as being above many of the other expensive LOMCs currently available. Were you aware of those digital downloads created by M Fremer, where he played the s... | |
Review Almarro 318B It is of no consequence to the goodness of the amplifier, but the 6C33C is not a double triode. There is a single cathode, grid, and plate in each glass envelope. There are indeed two pairs of filament pins, perhaps because the tube sucks up 6.4A ... |