Responses from lewm
TECHNICS SL1200 MKII.......THE REAL FACTS Techie, You are only allowed two exclamation points per post, plus one inappropriate question mark. Sorry. | |
Unbalanced to balanced VPI junction box change? To get back to the original question, if the OP's existing single-ended Valhalla cable has only one conductor to carry signal plus a different kind or character of conductor to carry the ground side of an SE hook-up, then indeed he may want to cha... | |
Graham Phantom Anti-Skate. Is it effective at all? I am surprised to read Don's and Doug's statements regarding anti-skate. If the reader is a neophyte, please take those statements with a smidgeon of skepticism. For any pivoted tonearm with stylus overhanging the spindle, there IS a skating force... | |
Rekokut Rondine 3 vs. Merill AR es1 replica Boofer, Do you already own the two turntables and are you trying to choose which one to sell, or are you making a de novo buying decision? I just wondered where the reference to the SL1200 comes from; it seemed to come out of the clear blue sky, s... | |
BEST CART FOR SMEV12 ARM at TW BLACK NIGHT TT If only Burmeister made a cartridge. | |
Dumb VTA Question Ditto what Doug said. Life is short. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Fleib, Do you know how they loaded the cartridges in that German survey? I cannot read the German. Between you and Dover, an interesting point is raised. The Koetsu cartridges are often damned for having rolled off hf response. Perhaps their sin i... | |
Phono rig capacitance Dear Dfel,Go here: http://www.jensen-transformers.com/That's the home page. On the left hand margin you will see a vertical listing of links. Click on any or all of the links listed under "Applications". Plus, the principles of Jensen are some ver... | |
Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm Dear Hiho, Upon further thought, I would wish to modify my definition of audiophilia, in the interests of both fact and humor. But the OP has more responses here than he really needs.Dfel, With $6000 to spend, one can purchase a very highly "tweak... | |
Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm I am sure you will be happy with your choice. | |
Phono rig capacitance For anyone's information, I believe the Jensen engineers do mention the leakage inductance values, at least for their many SUTs, on their website. From that, one could get a ballpark idea of what to expect from a "typical" SUT. | |
Phono rig capacitance Dfel, Far be it from me to try to amplify on the advice you've been given by either Al or JCarr. However, I don't see where anyone answered your question re the typical range of inductance for a typical MC cartridge. In my personal experience, I h... | |
Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm Bodotes, I too was a satisfied Notts user, although I've since gone on to a tweaked Lenco and several vintage DD turntables. I thought my Hyperspace was excellent, however, very open and "big" sound. After asking my question here, I did go to the ... | |
Phono preamp with mono switch? Dear Rodman, It was not my intention to offend you by asking the reason for your post. I am here to learn, and so I was just curious to discover whether I was missing something. Apparently, I was not. In future, please do not toss around the "Nazi... | |
Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm Bodotes, You wrote, "I was impressed with the Pear Audio Blue turntables I saw at the recent Newport Show. They remind me of the old Nottingham decks, but the distributor claimed that they have improved materials and better construction."Do you me... |