Responses from lewm
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop I did just that. Unfortunately I had unplugged this particular connector before taking a photo of that part of the PCB. Anyway, I hope Safesphere or some other TT101 owner responds, but if not, I do have the service manual which with some effort c... | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Safesphere and anyone else with a dismantled TT101, The connector in question is nearest to IC810 on the Crystal PC Board Assembly, TDC-7B. This PCB is located under the top circular piece that surrounds the platter. TDC-7B is depicted on page 31 ... | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Safesphere, I am bumping your thread. I did some re-wiring on my TT101 over the weekend, also found a bad electrolytic capacitor on one of the PCBs that are mounted under the top cover. (This was the only original lytic that we failed to replace o... | |
Linda Ronstadt/Nelson Riddle Bif, Now listen to Sinatra sing What's New, on his 1958 album, "Only the Lonely". Make sure there are no sharp instruments around when you do listen to it. Of course, the song was written for him. | |
Fozgometer Many years ago on Vinyl Asylum, two very knowledgeable guys wrote long treatises on azimuth. At least one of them was an advocate of adjusting for "least crosstalk", rather than "equal crosstalk" (into both channels). Along the way, both stated th... | |
Fozgometer "The Fozgometer does have a test for channel output balance as well."It would be nice to be able to compare the outputs of the two channels, but do Fosgate imply that it can be equalized via azimuth adjustment? | |
Fozgometer I have to agree with Doug. Moreover, crosstalk, it seems to me as a layman, cannot be discussed without reference to a level of signal. The Signet Cartridge Analyzer guide advises one to use (any of several possible test LPs) with a 1kHz steady st... | |
Brinkman Spyder review- anyone hear it? Fjn, Same tonearm and cartridge on both the Bardo and Spyder? Same downstream components? | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Safesphere, Wish I could help, but you've already gone further than I in parsing out that circuit. Early on in the repair of my unit, I gave it to a very competent pro who found no issues with the ICs or the discrete transistors, after he replaced... | |
SP10mk2: OMA Graphite plinth vs.Dobbins plinth I use all-slate plinths for my Lenco and Denon DP80. I am very pleased, particularly with the Lenco in slate. But in some respects this is a subjective judgement. For my SP10 Mk3, I added a hardwood layer to the base of a large slate plinth, firml... | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Unfortunately, the TT101 is very complex. Mine has nearly driven me nuts until I stopped fretting about it (because I realize that I also own 4 other great turntables that perform flawlessly, and it is of little consequence to me if my TT101 is a ... | |
SP10mk2: OMA Graphite plinth vs.Dobbins plinth If you want to squeeze the most out of your Mk2, I would vote for the Dobbins plinth PLUS the Krebs upgrade. The Krebs mod is very reasonable in cost (about $700, I think) for the level of improvement it affords. In fact, if cost is a major issue,... | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop Safesphere, You seem to be a fairly competent trouble-shooter, just based on what you've already done. When I first saw your post, I thought right away you must have a problem with the switch. I am told they are prone to malfunction mechanically. ... | |
Fozgometer There are two schools of thought with regard to the endpoint of azimuth adjustment. One says to go for the least amount of crosstalk, in which case I have found over many years (using the Signet Cartridge Analyzer which reads out in "db") that the... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Sorry, Fleib. After reading some of your most recent posts, I see that we are not that far apart in our thinking. Just a little bit apart.I wonder where is Halcro to argue the other side? |