Responses from lewm
Moving a 5,000 vinyl LP collection safely Now that that's solved, what town are you moving to? | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? I didn't mention potential problems with ANY old turntable, such as issues with the bearing and spindle shaft.Also, best-groove, it is probable that your turntable needs calibration. As I understand it, calibration involves equalizing the impulses... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Dear best-groove,What do you mean when you say the "engine started to lose laps inexorably"? It would help if you can make the problem more understandable. However, I also think that it would be impossible for any of us to say categorically what... | |
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model) I think what Ralph is saying, and I agree, is that the square shape of the escutcheon surrounding the platter makes it nigh impossible to mount a 9-inch tone arm, at least one of the type that Ralph and I are fond of, where the bearing assembly is... | |
Mullard cv4003 & 12au7 Blackburn msommers, Perhaps I shouldn't write this, since you've already spent your money, but IMO the best sounding 12AU7/ECC82/CV4003 is actually a 6CG7 (in 9-pin miniature format) or a 6SN7 (octal base). Neither of these tubes is in the 12AU7 family but... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Raul,I take your point, but keep in mind that I did not purchase the pre-fabricated ruby/OCL stylus assembly from SS. Rather, I had them rebuild my original stylus assembly. Therefore, it may be that my sample retains the original suspension... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I am amused at the certainty with which Chakster and Clearthink dole out advice to those willing to absorb it. Since no two of us own the exact same system, and since (thankfully) we all have different brains, it is probably best to make one's ow... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Chakster, "Overpriced Ruby" is a dear friend of mine, and she is worth every penny. | |
Vintage Denon turntable The fact that you can still find a DP80 (or a DP75) for less than $1000, albeit in an unknown state of repair, is why I don't sell my mint DP80 that has been completely re-capped and re-transistored and had its control chip replaced; no one would ... | |
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12? Just back to first principles: I would match any cartridge, no matter what type, to its tonearm, without much regard for which table the two are mated with. The only limitation with a spring-suspended chassis like the Linn's would be the weight o... | |
Best source for and kilo-ohm value to use to replace 2 turntable speed control pots? I don't know what turntable that is (Ariston???), and just to know where the pots are located tells us nothing about what pots you need. You need to acquire a schematic or a parts list for your particular turntable. From either of those sources,... | |
Help... my turntable is alive! Dover nailed it, and I would have if he had not. I think what you heard was the body of the cartridge touching the surface of a record warp, once per revolution. Just for yucks, put that same LP back on and run it at 45 rpm; now you should hear ... | |
Help... my turntable is alive! Just for starters, how old is the turntable? Have you ever serviced the bearing in any way? For example, have you changed the lubricant? On the other hand, a periodic noise with that character of a heart beat is probably not due to a bad bearing. ... | |
Which Mid Level Turntables Ship Well and Are Foolproof? Buying a new turntable from a reputable dealer is clearly the best way to assure yourself of safe transit and good back-up, in the unlikely event that there is shipping damage. Other than that, it's a crap shoot, but the next best thing is to buy ... | |
Where can I purchase some good quality lubricating oil for my turntable Everyone has a magic answer to this question. But first you might consult Origin Live. They presumably know what are the needs of whatever bearing they use in their turntables. KAB does have, or claims to have, the correct original oil for Techn... |