Responses from lewm
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Best-groove, No, Lewm does not have some spare for sale. I cannot supply all TT101 owners, but I may be able to spare one for you for no cost if you really need it. Assuming I have at least two left in my stash. | |
DO NOT SELL OR BUY FROM THAILAND Apart from all the vitriol that your post engendered, I am trying to figure out what exactly happened. From what I can decipher, you sent the cables to the third party recipient in SoCal without having received payment in advance. That's where y... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? I've given two TT101 chips away at this point, so I am not sure it's fair to say I have a "stock" of them, but I do think I have a few more, in one of those drawers where you put things you don't want to lose and then forget where the drawer is. ... | |
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice. What gives us audiophilia nervosa. Have you located a GT2000 in Japan that is for sale? One good thing in your favor is that the reputable Japanese dealers, either when you go there in person or on eBay, tend to be honest in representing their p... | |
Give and Take Vandersteen is a good company all around, and the 5 is a very nice sounding speaker. One of a few multi-driver dynamic speakers that I can listen to for prolonged periods. It seems you've correctly identified the problem and were therefore smart... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? Best groove, I did not realize you live in Italy. (Lucky for you, by the way.) I don’t know about cost of round-trip shipping to JP in New York City, but I do know that his repair work is very reasonable in cost, surprisingly so in relation to his... | |
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice. I’ve only owned the Mk2, and I’ve compared it on the same system to a Mk3 and a Denon DP80. To my ears, the Mk3 was a very clear winner vs the other two, and the DP80 nosed out the SP10 MK2. I’ve since acquired experience with two more DD’s, These... | |
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously? As regards JP and the TT101, I can only report that my TT101 had an intermittent glitch that persisted for the first 3-4 years of my ownership, even after replacing all electrolytic capacitors. (I got it cheap, because it was "broken".) The diagno... | |
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice. The GT2000 has already lasted ~30 years. Why would it not last another 30 years with proper care and use? Perhaps the bearing will need attention eventually, if it doesn’t already need it, but otherwise....I do advocate going through the GT2000 th... | |
VPI Analogue Drive System cleeds, Do you dispute what I actually wrote, in essence, that you can set platter speed with the SDS or the Walker? I did neglect to mention that the motor should be of the AC synchronous type, but that wasn't really the question. Most turntab... | |
VPI Analogue Drive System melm is correct about the Sutherland. It's a record weight with a strobe built into it. The only commercially available add-on device that can really "control" the speed of a belt- or idler-drive turntable is/was the Phoenix Engineering Falcon o... | |
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice. Based on specifications only, these are two very comparable turntables, both with coreless motors that I prefer.In my opinion, if you have your GT2000 fully restored electronically and then calibrated by one of the rare breed that can do it right,... | |
Linear tracking vs. Pivoted tracking tone arms. RJM, There are adapters to convert a P-mount tonearm to use non-Pmount cartridges. Usually, they are inexpensive. Check with Sound Smith for a good one. eBay for a cheap one. | |
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference? 13blm, I like to find consensus, but maybe in fact we don't agree. All that goo provides dampening mainly, and probably some friction too, but I think the WT claim for very low friction (but not no friction) may be accurate. My point was that in... | |
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference? 10timps, For decades I have listened to the oft repeated claims of Well Tempered philes to the effect that the tonearm has "no bearing". To this claim, I put the question, "Does the arm pivot?" The answer is yes it does. Therefore it must have a... |