Responses from lewm
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? NAndric, 160 parts for one tonearm or one part for 160 tonearms? If the former, it’s hard to imagine that the arm could have been produced for any less money than the new SAT tonearm. | |
Input to Use for a Phono stage All of the line level inputs go to the same place. Or follow bimasta’s suggestion, if you don’t want to disconnect the gear already connected to the line level inputs, in favor of your new phono stage. | |
NOS Grace F9E question And ceramic is good because...?Ceramic tt mats suck.For that matter, I would not claim that titanium makes a great cantilever, only that the Acutex sounds great, to me, in my system. | |
NOS Grace F9E question Acutex used titanium cantilever in its top models. I don't know of any other manufacturer that did that, but could be. Also, Acutex 300 series are Induced Magnet types, not Moving Magnet. Their 400 series are MM, I believe. As I am sure you kno... | |
NOS Grace F9E question Raul, I don't disagree with anything you wrote above, save for the fact that I know nothing about boron cantilevers except that many fine cartridges use them. On boron, you say the solid is better than the tubular type. I think Chakster took the... | |
NOS Grace F9E question So I just went on eBay to see if there were any Grace Level II or F14 cartridges for sale there. Chak, are you selling the F14 "new needle" (only) on eBay? Someone in Russia is. There's a Level II for sale from within the US; it looks awful, and... | |
NOS Grace F9E question Raul, Neither you nor I can score points with Chakster. But I am going to try to find one of his preferred Grace cartridges just to see for myself. Have you heard either of those two that he likes so much?Chak, Please read what Raul wrote about ... | |
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade" Re what Raul said about my experience mating an Acutex LPM320 with compliance = 42, per factory literature, with FR64S using Dynavector headshell which is a bit lighter than a stock FR headshell, it's fantastic, and I hear no bass rumble which you... | |
NOS Grace F9E question So, at the present moment, which Grace cartridge do you think is the very best one to own? If I am going after a rare Grace, I may as well pursue their best. Thanks. | |
Just curious if anyone knows.. I guess you guys were not around when Audio Research rose to pre-eminence based mostly on HP's adoration of their amplifiers and preamps. The SP3 preamp went to 3A, 3B, etc, in a matter of several months. I cannot even remember where it all ende... | |
NOS Grace F9E question Dear Chakster, my only point was that you cannot prove empirically by describing its elements that one cartridge is better than another. What I am saying is that the proof of the pudding is in the listening. We both know many examples of surprisi... | |
The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts? The trade off with an air core versus an iron core or other variant is that you need more turns of wire to achieve the same energy out. So this adds resistance. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? The "problem" with the ADC XLMs, for me, was their very very high compliance. Unless you have a very light tonearm to go with, the suspension tends to bottom out at any slight provocation, like a minor warp or an underdamped cuing device. I was ... | |
NOS Grace F9E question Chakster, please tell us what phono stage, amplifier, and speakers you are using to make your unequivocal judgements.i’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll say again that I don’t think one can pick out all the greatest cartridges simply by noting th... | |
Technics Turntables...really??? Peter, Will your collar work on older Triplanars, manufactured by Herb Papier? I think the newest TPs have a thicker VTA pillar (based in part on looking at your own photos of your gizmo mounted on a modern TP). |