
Responses from lewm

A History of Ultrasonic Record Cleaning
Which Elma product would you buy for cleaning LPs? I looked at their website. It seems they make a very wide variety of ultrasonic cleaning machines, but most of them are for various industrial purposes. Thanks. 
A History of Ultrasonic Record Cleaning
No argument here. I didn’t mean to imply criticism of the article per se. Interesting to know you use a surfactant. So far as I know there is a school of thought favoring pure water. I would be on your side if I ever adopt US.i think a post cleani... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
J2d2, what is effective mass of SME V, and what is phono gain of your Einstein? That’s pretty much all that constrains your choice. Even effective mass is a guide only, a rule that sometimes can be broken. 
A History of Ultrasonic Record Cleaning
For me the elephant in the room is the potential for damage to the LP. The article is reassuring but lacks any supporting data except to say that users of US cleaners have not reported hearing a problem That alone does not convince me. Testimonial... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Actually, I own both MMs and LOMCs that I like very much, and I don’t think one type is categorically better than the other. But I do hear the differences that you refer to. MI and IM types are also to be respected highly. It might be interesting ... 
“Sharp Objects” Tonearm/ Cartridge
 Hated the last episode. My guess is that they really needed two episodes to finish out the story properly, but they did not have the budget to support two more episodes. Therefore they compressed what should’ve been another hour of drama into the... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have a complete NOS  Pickering ZSV7500, body and stylus.I think”we” should refrain from assigning a cause to an audible effect, unless we have actual data to support the claimed relationships. For example, the relationship between the high induc... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
"People comment on stuff that they never heard, never tried.This is typical audiogon today, pretty sad"Chakster, what you say is true, but don't you realize that you are also often guilty of this foible?  Read some of your own posts, if not. Nobod... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Well, I would only agree that the added ICs and connectors (input and output) in the signal path, when you use an outboard "head amplifier" or "pre-preamplifier" might degrade the signal a bit, but otherwise devices like the ZYX only are doing in ... 
NOS Grace F9E question
Raul, Don't you think the word "speed", as applied to the difference in SQ between MC and MM or MI cartridges, is really saying the same thing as what I said, that MC cartridges seem to emphasize the attack of musical notes?  Psycho-acoustically, ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Chakster, Are you sure about the diameter of .035mm (millimeters)?  That is very very very tiny and would be very fragile.  It's also thinner than even 40ga wire.  I think there IS in fact copper wire that thin available from Japan; it is or was s... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
So I would guess that if those are resistors in your photo, Chakster, they are probably 100 ohms, not 47K ohms.  Have you measured the DCR across those coils?  From their mounting near to the input jacks and now realizing that the ZYX is an active... 
The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts?
Chakster, To create a "resistor" using copper wire is folly, don't you think?  Even fine copper wire has very low resistance per foot, because it is.... a great conductor.  You'd need miles of good copper wire to create a 47K ohm resistance, for e... 
NOS Grace F9E question
Every rejoinder starts a new argument.  I'm guilty too. 
NOS Grace F9E question
If you're comparing an MM to an MC, the one thing I always notice is that MCs typically emphasize the attack of a musical note.  Whereas, the best MMs and MIs tend to get the "meat" and the trailing edge of notes, perhaps better. (Please don't att...