Responses from lewm
advice for mono cartridge On the Miyajima website there is some useful information on stylus tip dimensions vis the vintage of a mono LP. I don't remember it well enough to go out on a limb here, but I think I concluded that for "late" mono LPs, which is mostly what I own... | |
New Technics vs. old Sleepwalker, As far as I can determine, the SL1700mk2 is one version of the old original SL1200, and even the SL1700 dates back to the early 1980s. I guess it is different from the original SL1200 and most of its descendants in that it offers sem... | |
Turntable Advice? I believe we’re talking about 3 phase AC, not DC. The Phoenix design is for driving 3 phase AC. I think the old SOTA motor might be DC type. | |
Turntable Advice? The original electronics used a feedback system to check platter speed. Sounds like something with the feedback or servo is broken. Probably your motor is OK, but if SOTA recommends a new motor to go with the Phoenix electronics, I cannot over-s... | |
Turntable Advice? Just to be clear, although I did use the words “repair your turntable”, I was not implying that the OP should actually do the work himself. I went on to suggest he send it to SOTA for the Phoenix upgrades and a new motor, if a new motor is even ne... | |
Turntable Advice? What tomwh said. Repair your turntable and add the Phoenix controller system. It will be a huge upgrade, in my opinion, because, in my opinion, a major issue with the old Sota Sapphire was speed stability. I owned one for 10 years before figuri... | |
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927? Are you able to swap the phono stages, in order to pinpoint the source of the differences you hear? I am not at all surprised that the EMT927 per se would outperform the Clearaudio, assuming the EMT is in tip-top condition, but I would be surpris... | |
Grace Level ll Both MC and MI types have lower moving mass than any MM, if that’s the holy grail in cartridge construction. Lately I’ve been listening to a B&O MMC1 that I bought several years ago in NOS condition. It has a hollow sapphire tube cantilever an... | |
Where to go from XP-15? XP-17? XP-25? I have the highest respect for Nelson Pass and his products, but it seems to me that at this stage of the game (in reference to the evolution of solid state audio devices), any decent SS phono stage should already be "dead quiet", which is to say,... | |
Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege? That will only tell you which of those particular 3 you like best. It won't give you an answer that is broadly applicable overall, because there is no way to do that in a finite lifespan. That was my main point. Be sure to keep tonearm and cartr... | |
Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege? What matters is to listen to a wide variety of turntables of all types, carefully and for extended periods of time in one's own home on one's own carefully selected system, and thereby to decide what sounds best to one's own ears. That process in... | |
SignalScope FFT Analyzer for Setting Azimuth Pitbull, There is disagreement even among the extreme cognoscenti about whether the goal should be equal crosstalk in both channels or best possible crosstalk in EACH channel, while disregarding any difference between the two channels. One thing ... | |
Audiosilente idler wheel versus Artisan Fidelity idler wheel for a Garraed 401 Mozart, There’s got to be more to that story. Machining down the diameter of the idler would reduce platter speed. That could be compensated by increasing drive speed but would hardly suffice to improve dynamics. | |
Arm interconnects choice??? I agree about the advantage of a direct connection from cartridge to phono input, but in practice, I do not hear a problem when using high-ish output cartridges. When you get to very low output MCs, I like to go direct.I definitely do not agree t... | |
Audiosilente idler wheel versus Artisan Fidelity idler wheel for a Garraed 401 That's certainly the goal. What you observed implies that the motor can overcome any additional load that might be imposed by the higher mass idler wheel. (I intentionally used the word "might".) |