Responses from lewm
P3 Record Player left on for 4days.... did I trash my cartridge? Brush yes. Magic Eraser yes. Alcohol no. | |
Best cartridge for very old worn vinyl Jperry and Chakster have offered diametrically opposing opinions. From what I have read over years, I think Chakster is more likely to be on the right track. Those old LPs are most likely to have been worn out with spherical and/or early classic... | |
Synergistic PHT... any other PHT heads here? I'll have what you guys are having. | |
Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range? Torque is not a big deal, once the turntable is up to speed, but the SL12010GR is just a much better product on all levels (motor, electronics, platter, plinth, etc), compared to the 1500. I would add my voice to the chorus: go for the GR. | |
Synergistic PHT... any other PHT heads here? Are you guys smoking the PHTs or what? | |
Phono stage: MM only or MM/MC As regards the OP's question, it seems to me that if you are sure you are going to stick with MM (or any other high output cartridges, like some MI types), then there is no point in paying the extra expense for the extra gain available in an MC st... | |
Moving coil VS moving magnet/iron Roberjerman, You wrote, "Mc cartridges have a rubber damping block at the opposite end of the cantilever. This takes care of vibrations traveling up the cantilever - so no vibrations reflected back down the cantilever!"Do you believe those dampe... | |
Moving coil VS moving magnet/iron Yes, "ears" was used by me as a metaphor for all the other stuff you list. | |
Moving coil VS moving magnet/iron I have on hand a Koetsu Urushi, ZYX UNiverse (1st version), Ortofon MC7500, Ortofon MC2000, Audio Technica ART7, and Dynavector 17D3. The UNI, MC2000, and ART7 are my current favorite MCs, but they are not always preferred to my Acutex LPM320, B&... | |
best phono stage under 10k Not much of the above is helpful to the OP, I wouldn't think, unless there is some factual information about immunity to RFI. The fact that a unit is "quiet" in one's own home is not evidence it would be quiet in the OP's high-RFI environment. B... | |
Moving coil VS moving magnet/iron Mijo, all that you say makes sense, yet I do find more excellent MM and MI cartridges than MC types, among the 20 or so cartridges in my collection. Still, I’m loathe to make a categorical judgement because there are many very high end MCs I have ... | |
About to purchase Bryston BP-2MM moving magnet phono stage for Sondek LP-12 Forgot to mention I would take those ECMs off your hands, if you get cold feet. | |
About to purchase Bryston BP-2MM moving magnet phono stage for Sondek LP-12 So what’s the problem? Go for it. | |
Manley Chinook with (very) low output MC ZYX? I agree that Vishay nude resistors (I don't know about "VSRS"; I do know about nude TX2575, which can be ordered on-line) will be superior to the stock phono load resistors in the Manley phono stages. The TX2575 are superior to just about any re... | |
Manley Chinook - chronic issues "Paul was helpful and agreed it needs to go in."Eureka! No amount of verbal exchange is going to illuminate the source and the solution for your problem. You need an experienced tech, preferably one who designed the unit and/or works on them reg... |