
Responses from lewm

Table and arm combos in 13k range
Technics SL1000R (which includes tonearm) might be squeezed under your upper limit. 
Low output vs. high output cartridges
Mijo, you can’t have it both ways. 
Low output vs. high output cartridges
If it was all about moving mass, then MI cartridges would outperform other types, and HOMCs would have an edge on MMs. I don’t find that to be the case. Here we have yet another case of connecting a physical fact, the lower moving mass of LOMC’s v... 
Mono Cartridge
As Mike just suggested, the OP asked specifically about mono cartridges with 1.0 mil styli.  I am guessing he likes to listen to late 1940s/early 1950s mono LPs with wide grooves.  For those discs, spherical is just fine.  Unless you can dig up a ... 
Low output vs. high output cartridges
I should add that my opinion is based on the MC category. Among MC cartridges I have consistently found the LO versions to be superior to HO, but higher output MI and MM cartridges also outperform HOMC types. 
Low output vs. high output cartridges
LO is better, all other things being equal. 
Phono preamp worth it with MM cartridges?
Chak, I hope you understand that I am agreeing with you about 30K ohms.  Got that?  I personally have found most often that 100K ohms sounds best with many of my MMs.  This started with the Grado TLZ or XTZ which I know we both like. The TLZ sound... 
Phono preamp worth it with MM cartridges?
Chak, To be clear, I was only questioning the "30"; you left out the "K".  I now see how you meant it.  Of course I do agree that for some MM cartridges 30K might work fine or even optimally, but not 30 ohms ever for any MM cartridge.  I just did ... 
Phono preamp worth it with MM cartridges?
Chak, do you really think an MM phono stage needs the option of 30 ohms loading? Or was that a typo, and you may have meant 30K or 30,000 ohms, which does make sense?Buy the very best MM phono stage you can afford, but don’t assume cost and qualit... 
Musical Fidelity Phono preamp loading
Well, if there is no permanent load resistance; if the user has total control via changing plugs, that is actually not a bad feature, so long as one knows about it and knows enough to use the feature properly.  (This is in contrast to almost every... 
Technics SL1400 has more audio on left channel
Did you really mention that the cartridge has been in use for more than 40 years? If I understood that correctly, then obviously there can be a problem with the cartridge, and when you retire it, it should receive full military honors for having w... 
Miyajima MADAKE experience
Thanks to labpro's post, this thread was brought to the fore once again. Vortrex, you don't say which of the woods you chose for your 3P.  It would be worthwhile to know that since your experience was apparently contrary to that of some others who... 
Musical Fidelity Phono preamp loading
I hope you are correct, Chak.  That was my thought as well.  It would seem that with no plug installed, there is no load resistance.  In other words, there is no permanently installed load resistor at all between the gate and ground of the input t... 
VPI Classic setup tools
I have read elsewhere that the VPI alignment tools made for their own tonearms are error prone. This is not first hand information coming from me.  Check threads on Vinyl Asylum.I don't like the Turntable Basics protractor (sadly, I own two of the... 
Another review of a tweaked Denon DL-103R ??? Oh no! Boring? Surely not! Please read it!
After the fact, I realized your post could be taken to be a comment on the Zu version.  Sorry.