Responses from lewm
Phono preamp suggestions There are several phono stages in the price range you want that have received excellent reviews by Mike Fremer. You might check out his blog on the subject. The Graham Slee units were all the rage several years ago, but I think there is a lot of... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa Since this is your thread, I guess it's OK to go off-topic. Do you mean to say the Lino C permits RIAA correction in the digital domain? Does it have a digital RIAA built in? That would involve, of course, ADA conversions, which I don't fancy m... | |
Ortofon A95 Start with the compliance of the cartridge at 10Hz and work backward using the formula for resonant frequency that is available on-line. You cannot assume that you are getting an exact result for your own system, from the formula, but it will cer... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa Which current drive phono stage do you plan to buy?I am hardly in a position to argue you should by a Terminator tonearm. I decided long ago that no matter how great linear tracking tonearms might be, I don't want to bother with the pumps, filter... | |
TONEARM DAMPING : DAMPED OR NOT ? ? USELESS ? ? WELCOMED ? ? Raul, I agree to stay away from this thread but of course I have one long thing left to say. You wrote, "Your post change nothing about that cartridge/tonearm combination with a resonance frequency at 4hz and everything surrounded this 4hz.That ... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa Michael Fremer is a perspicacious listener and good reporter, but on technical terms, he is often weak. In the case where he criticized at least one linear tracker for high lateral effective mass, I believe he was parroting some other guru. You ... | |
TONEARM DAMPING : DAMPED OR NOT ? ? USELESS ? ? WELCOMED ? ? Raul, Quoting me without naming me is just as annoying to me as are your direct insults. I fully approve of properly done damping of tonearms. I think it can be way overdone, as with the Well Tempered tonearms at least the ones that pre-date the... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa Mijostyn, Your indictment of the Trans-Fi tonearm would seem to be an indictment also of nearly every linear tracking tonearm, since they all have very high horizontal effective mass as compared to their vertical effective mass. And yet there are... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa "<10 ohms", makes more sense to me, especially if input Z is <1 ohm. You'd be surprised to find that most of the phono stages that claim current drive operation actually have much higher input Z, which means they cannot really operate fully... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa What they say suggests that the input impedance of the Channel D L20 (odd name for a very expensive phono stage) must be less than 25 ohms, but to work well iin current mode with cartridges like the Mustek or the Haniwa would require a phono input... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa The current drive depends not only on the internal resistance of the cartridge but also on the input impedance of the phono stage. If you investigate, the phono stages said to be of that type actually have quite a wide range of input impedances am... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa The Mutech, like the aforementioned Haniwa cartridge, ought to be auditioned using a current-driven phono stage. I bet the results would be staggering with a good example of that type of phono circuit. Fremer used the BMC MCCI when he reviewed th... | |
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa I don’t know which Transfiguration cartridge this might be comparable to, but the very low internal resistance with the relatively high output (although still in the low output category) reminds me of another Japanese cartridge that has been on th... | |
FR64S tonearm overhaul luisma, True balanced phono stages, other than the MP1, are not that uncommon these days. Oddly and sadly, more so among solid state devices than among tube types. I guess I wrote up the balanced idea mostly because some dealers propagate the no... | |
FR64S tonearm overhaul To mate with the DIN connector on the base of the tone arm, I would advise just getting the phono cable you like best. And there is no limit on how much to spend on that cable, because in my opinion the tonearm is that good. If your phono stage pe... |