
Responses from lewm

Precision Aqueous Cleaning of Vinyl Records
Sorry for being so pedantic, but first of all ALL enzymes are proteins, not just most of them or some of them. In general, enzymes act to catalyze chemical reactions that would happen anyway but happen much faster if mediated by an enzyme. (That's... 
Precision Aqueous Cleaning of Vinyl Records
Drbond, if a “sealed, mint” LP does not respond to the cleaning you’ve already done, I’d give up and either toss those LPs or tolerate them as is. I doubt any further cleaning will fix them. Good money after bad, and all that.  
SPL Stereo Vitalizer Mk2-T (tube) a beast of a loudness control at $1295
You may like what it does, but nothing in your description reminds me of a classical loudness control. As you may know, a loudness control is supposed to compensate for the Fletcher Munson curve imposed by our own hearing apparatus, where mid rang... 
Vintage Technics SL-1300 poltergeist--help!
Is the onset of the malfunction temporally related to when you removed the counterweight? And yes, I think the channel could be there to enhance structural rigidity.  
WallySkater and Reference.
Correct. The full range one I bought from Australia to replace the OEM treble toroid is huge and out of production, but it used alone was insufficient to get decent bass response from my 845PXs. The SL bass transformer is necessary. I use an induc... 
How do you organize all this turntable paraphernalia??
I have a beautiful antique side board that resides within a few feet of my equipment rack; all that crap is in drawers of the side board. One drawer has fuses, spare ICs for repair of vintage DD turntables, and the like. Another bigger drawer has ... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
My 50 years in this hobby tell me there’s nothing really new under the sun. I understand that you may feel obligated not to reveal your sources, but you must also realize that your policy in that regard reduces the usefulness  of your comments to ... 
WallySkater and Reference.
One transformer won’t work for both great low bass and extended treble. Different turns ratios are optimal for each. But maybe you could get away with it since you’re removing frequencies below 100Hz. You’re on your own there.  
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
Pindac, why are you so secretive regarding the entity that modified your tonearm, especially since you here reveal that they have a product for sale in the current market? One cannot otherwise benefit from your murky descriptions. “Murky” in the s... 
WallySkater and Reference.
I replaced the treble transformer with a full range transformer and run it in parallel with the OEM bass transformer. There’s a bit more to it but not much.  
Best turntable for the buck
Nferre66 +1  
Kronos Sparta or TechDas Air Force III?
Why is the Kronos a silly design? It seems to me to be an honest attempt to address issues that plague any belt driven turntable. Whether it works well or not in that capacity is a matter of the opinion of those who own and use it.  
Micro Seiki RX 5000
If the OP has been tugging on his platter for the 14 years since he posted, he ought to be quite muscular by now or else ridden with stress fractures.  
WallySkater and Reference.
All amplifiers driving all speakers have to obey the same physical laws. Yes, SS amplifiers tend to have a vanishingly low output impedance (<<1 ohm) and can therefore drive very low Z speakers with aplomb. For tube amps, output impedance is... 
WallySkater and Reference.
Dear Mijostyn, while I am a 25-year devotee of Atma amplifiers and OTL amplifiers in general to drive ESLs, I am afraid I must differ; Atma amps, like any other amplifier especially tube types are definitely sensitive to the load impedance, since ...