Responses from lewm
Cartridge Loading.....Part II To satisfy my curiosity and because life is short, I purchased a BMC MCCI Signature ULN. This unit has gain settings of 0, +7, +11, and +14db. My question to anyone is what is the meaning of these db values? At the 0db setting, the unit produces q... | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. Isn’t 5814 a 12AU7 by another name? Anyway, sorry for being so dogmatic but there are actual data to support my view. | |
How best to eliminate LP warps Hi Nikola. Today is the first day I’ve looked at this thread in at least a month. I’m not sure what you’re getting at, but it’s nice to hear from you. I am meeting many young Serbs who live and work in the Washington DC area. | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. The best 12AU7 is no 12AU7. Replace them with 12FQ7/6FQ7 (depending upon the filament voltage supplied to the socket) or with 6CG7 (which requires a minor re-wiring of the socket for the filament supply only and requires a 6.3V filament supply). ... | |
MM or HO MC Cartridge Choice-Input Please I don't know who the mystery rich guy is in Pindac's post, but he is entitled to his opinion of HOMC cartridges. I disagree. One caveat: some manufacturer's make the same cartridge in very low output and slightly low output versions. For exampl... | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. The point remains; each of us has to spend the time listening to a variety of components in order to figure out for onesself what constitutes audio Nirvana. A bunch of opinions from strangers might provide an idea where to start, at best. Sometim... | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. Bliss, I wasn’t sure of your meaning. Your statement could have been taken either as a characteristic of the Trumpet or as a blanket characteristic of tube phono stages. Thank you for the clarification. | |
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage. I take issue with Bliss’s comments on tube phono stages in general, unless he’s referring specifically to the Trumpet, which I’ve never heard. Modern tube phono stages in general are not rolled off and lacking in resolution at all. Tubes inherentl... | |
Empire EDR9 cart into Lehmann Audio Decade phono preamp, sounds awful I was gonna apologize for my sarcasm, than along comes Wolfie. I'd be interested to hear a very fine MM cartridge try to drive a 100 ohm load. That must be something. | |
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge I have an Urushi. It’s excellent. A little more bass and treble than a Rosewood. Less “warmth”, more detailed. I just had it retipped by Expert Stylus with a Paratrace, still with OEM boron cantilever. I think it’s better than ever but my system i... | |
Empire EDR9 cart into Lehmann Audio Decade phono preamp, sounds awful Do you have an owner or user manual? If not, you can probably get one from Lehmann or any of several other sources on line. Then read it. (Sorry for the sarcasm.) | |
Empire EDR9 cart into Lehmann Audio Decade phono preamp, sounds awful What yogi boy said. For goodness sakes! Also set gain for MM not MC. | |
ELAC Miracord 50H ll repair questions I don’t doubt that a flat spot on the idler wheel could cause these problems and more as well, but in most cases isn’t the idler wheel held away from the platter rim when power is off? Usually the wheel only engages during play. I don’t know wheth... | |
ELAC Miracord 50H2 turntable questions Just killing time here after a big breakfast. Your two separate threads were one under the other so I couldn’t help noticing. | |
ELAC Miracord 50H2 turntable questions Rocky, more than 1.5 years ago you started a thread on a Miracord with different problems. If you’re still referring to that unit, then you didn’t buy it last week. Or is this unit new to you? |