
Responses from lewm

Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
There is no need to buy tube shields from eBay. There are several reputable vendors in the US who sell them, and will probably help you out with installation. One business is tubes and more. Another business is antique electronics in Arizona. Sure... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
Tube shields might help but only vs airborne RFI or EMI. I doubt tube rolling is going to help. SS devices are as susceptible to this problem as tube devices, possibly more so because of wider bandwidth. Can your phono really be powered by a 12... 
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage.
Soko, I’m sorry but your summary dismissal of tube phono stages and those who prefer them is ridiculous. One could as well say exactly the same about solid state and those who love it, and be just as pointless. And the parting shot about running h... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
I wouldn’t waste money on new tubes. However if the 834 does not already have tube shields I would look into purchasing some aftermarket cylindrical shields designed to block EMI and RFI. Place one over each tube. Well designed ones also improve c... 
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
I have two complete systems in two different listening areas in my house. The Steelhead runs a system in my basement based on Beveridge 2SW speakers driven by Beveridge direct-drive amplifiers. The Beveridge outboard woofer system is long gone; I ... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
Probably you're wrong on both counts, but we shall see, if the OP keeps us posted.  
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
Whoa!  It is way premature to ditch the preamp, which is a well respected product from an established company.  And this problem is not typical of the unit.  
Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet
Yes, he was a founding father of New York Audio Labs but so far as I know not really an audio engineer.  He delegated that job to good people.  
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
Can be through the air, through the AC line, or through some component.  Do any of your components have a switching power supply? Is this phono stage electrically  isolated from the turntable motor?  TT motors put shmutz back on the AC line, and i... 
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage.
But the 12BH7 will sound better, by all accounts (see TubeDIY Asylum).  I haven't tried that type myself. Now, if the 12AU7 is being used as a cathode follower, then it does not do so much sonic damage and can probably be tolerated as is. In my ow... 
Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage.
I agree with Mulveling. 12BH7 is another tube type that is said to be a good sub for the 12AU7, which is to say, an upgrade. Yogiboy said "5914, 5963,6189 and ECC82 are all replacements for the 12AU7 tube".  ECC82 is definitely only a 12AU7 by an... 
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
One more thing: dimmers.  Are there any dimmers on the same circuit with your phono stage? And by burglar alarm, I meant the modern type that work through a wifi connection.  
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding?
Have you tried different electrical outlets in your home? What else shares the circuit that serves your audio system? Any fluorescents or LED lights in the vicinity? Any burglar alarms?  
Empire EDR9 cart into Lehmann Audio Decade phono preamp, sounds awful
Forget about it. You learned something even in the midst of the criticism.  You might benefit from reading some of the various books or papers that will enlighten you further.  None of us knows all there is to know on the subject.  Meantime, I hop... 
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
To satisfy my curiosity and because life is short, I purchased a BMC MCCI Signature ULN. This unit has gain settings of 0, +7, +11, and +14db. My question to anyone is what is the meaning of these db values? At the 0db setting, the unit produces q...