

Responses from larsman

The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?
@big_greg + 1  
Technics SL 1200G status and availability?
I bought a 1200G last year, and ended up getting a demo unit, most of the hi-fi shops that sold them were out and waiting for more. I don't know about 'making them as fast as they can', as a main point of these is that they are hand-built audiophi... 
Warning: China-Hifi-Audio.com
@output555 + 1  
Anyone heard the new Schiit Tyr?
Watched a video of them making these on one of the YouTube channels yesterday....   
The New Western Electric WE91E 300B Integrated amp ?
I dunno about the amp, but those WE 300B tubes made in Georgia sure are good!!!  
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
@kevn - Holy cow - thanks for that big writeup and explanation! I was just a bit confused about how something can still sound good when other factors would indicate that it shouldn't, and often doesn't.  But I might add that I also do a lot of li... 
One guitar, or three?
@leadcrew + 1    Eddie!!!   
Pink Floyd’s brand new song
@daledeee1 - I don't know, but I'd like to think that somebody as socially conscious as Roger would be working on something of his own or with other people besides David (I guess they're just never going to get along, sadly) to help them out; have... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
@kevn - good points, but how does that account for the fact that more recordings will tend to sound good to a listener than bad or mediocre, though some will most definitely sound bad or mediocre? And some people just can't modify their listening... 
2022 Grammy Award Show?
@lonemountain + 1 - and totally agree with you about Rick Rubin, Brad!   
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
I've found the opposite - the better the system, the more it reveals how bad/mediocre the source was.... Good sounding sources sound even better, though....   
Wine, audio, and music. How many of us Aphiles enjoy wine when listening to music?
@viridian - 🤣 + 1  
What to play in the evening?
@awboat + 1 !   
Wine, audio, and music. How many of us Aphiles enjoy wine when listening to music?
'Wine, women, and song' evolved into 'sex and drugs and rock and roll', as Ian Dury's song goes, and I am totally down with that! I don't drink wine, but cannabis sure goes well with music!   
180g … It’s All Hype !
@bdp24 - I used to have that Dave Mason LP with the swirly colors back when I was in college, when it first came out. Excellent sounding recording, too - we used to use it to judge sound systems!  You were a product buyer at Tower? I used to be a...